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Mittwoch, 29. August 2012

Step by Step and yours?

Only that you do not come on the idea that David is overstressed
Especially the black Africans should be informed what it is going on. I do not know how many people in Africa have access to Internet. So who has chance to transfer informations to them, please do so. Depopulation does not happen at one time. They do it step by step by step, one country after the next Sudan, Libya ...Syria .. Kongo ..  Iran ... One people after the next. Do you understand, how they work? Africa is now on their timetable, especially they love beheadings of black people. Mercenaries in Libya and Syroa get 700 Dollar payment for one head.  How long again can you effort to sleeep? 
The  EU and North American  Citizens are slowly killed by Chemtrails and poisoned Water and getting homeless. For China and other Asean countries we do not have enough informations but for sure things are not better. Just remember Fukushima.

Let us go on with out studies in Religion

Dienstag, 28. August 2012

UK and Jerusalem

Although I really appreciate the lections of Iman Sheik Hossein I just take them as lections of Islam not as word nor plan of Allah or God. I see these scriptures whether the Bible or the Koran as masterplans by the same people who wish to enjoy them if they succeed to impose them on us. So  know the masterplan of "them" but also know your connection with God and Allah or Brahma or however you name it, and know there is no plan of God for massmurder by 9 out of 10. That simply cannot be unless you buy in this. So I suggest you: never ever leave your God but leave the Churches, the Mosques and the scripures unless to know what it is the plan of the enemies of mankind.Please take these words not as any kind of exposings of Sheikh Hossein. That would be as foolish as critizing Gaddafi to be under those who would have needed to kill humanity and to enslave the rest. Gaddafi had been a Muslim, okay? We are all this or that way influenced by these religions. For most of us it is something new to directly connect to God by our hearts and never ever to let therin any preplannings how to put mankind in opression

Sonntag, 26. August 2012

Prisoner War Camp 44

And here you can read how the project of Genocide went further: I urge you to read it and to check the maps and whatever is mentioned in the text. Like this map. 
The Arab Gas Pipe line, it leads to Astana and the Centre of the New World Order Empire.

Freitag, 24. August 2012

Tree men

There are 3 men, who are embedded in their religious beliefs and from who we can learn this and that - in fact a lot. I do not promote any of these religions. I promote Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Belief as well - as long as there is no violation of other people. I believe just in  a loving and providing God, that it is all and rather simple. 

But these men know the religious policies which are running beyond the scenes. Learn from them, what you might want to know.

Brother Nathanael, a born Jew, now Christian
Sheikh Imran Hosein, a higly educated man 
also see Islam - the Future of money.pdf

Wikipedia (Jewish) refuse the Thesis of the Khasarians, The Cornell University claim it as true

You must know, what to do with all these informations like each of us. Here another "point":

Prof. Dr. Walter Veith über den Islam

Professor Veith himself is a deep Christian believer, his knowledge of things used to be as accurate as the knowledge of Sheikh Imran Hosein. That does not mean that their contact with God is better than yours. 
We are just studying here Religions in their relationships to worldpower and war and the New World Order.

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

What can we do?

That it is the question. We can continue to watch things and be hopeless helpless until we face total destruction of this planet or we can do something to bring the change, which we really need.

But we cannot change, if we do not have any idea what we want and must do. That it is the next problem. Many people are horrible imprisoned in schemes between Communism and Capitalism as Ideologies. This is useless, more horrible this is destructive and feeds wars.

Of course Mankind cannot allow an unethical Elite to rob them and the Planet. This simply cannot go. Period. And about that point should not be any further discussion. That does not mean that we need a communist system. 

But what we have to understand is: Politics and Economy must serve Mankind and not Mankind must serve Politics, Economy and their owner. 

And if we talk about Mankind we talk about 
all humans. 
I for my part also talk about all animals. But that it is another step.

Mister Andreas Popp and his friends are giving well ideas for the needed changes. Under the Video in German language you find english and russian translations which I urge you to read and to consider. Their views are finding the main problems in the way the "World System" was dealt and how they should be changed.

Montag, 20. August 2012

Something to laugh and cry and change suddenly

And here they are, you better check things out yourself. Astana is the Capital of ??? Kasachstan.
Revelation 2:9 King James Version (KJV) 9 I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Sonntag, 19. August 2012

You see that???

Why is it such red behind Adam and Eve? And what about all these white points?

My researches started when the horrible question popped into my mind:

How did Jesus manage to come to Rome?

That question caused me some heavy beats in my heart (Mind control Alarm bell was ringing hardly). Should I go there? I did so step by step. No, I did not read any available book or document and so on, but the question itself worked in me continously. Time would come that I would find it. And here it is  

How Jesus came to Rome.

Buy here


Please educate here and if possible donate 

Red Ice Radio:  

 Please safe and circulate this PDF (Amanita Muscaria and Jesus)

The question remains: Who had had such high intelligence to hide among the bible the Secret right in our faces?        The Popes? You think so?

Their Agenda had been:
All Human Creatures Are Subject to the Pope 

"The universal Church of the faithful is one outside of which none is saved." 

Pope Innocent III, ex cathedra, Fourth Lateran Council (1215 AD)           Find more here


Okay, now we found Jesus in a Mushroom and  

Where is God?

Let us check for him in the Bible. After 6 days of hard work by creating Earth they send God in holidays. Really!                          Do not believe me? Check it out here

The Beginning of the World

God created the sky and the earth. At first, the earth was completely empty. There was nothing on the earth. Darkness covered the ocean, and God’s Spirit moved over [a] the water.

The First Day—Light

Then God said, “Let there be light!” And light began to shine. [b] He saw the light, and he knew that it was good. Then he separated the light from the darkness. God named the light “day,” and he named the darkness “night.” There was evening, and then there was morning. This was the first day.

and so on until Genesis 2, when God needed a break. From there we see ....          

ups, who is that?

The Seventh Day—Rest

So the earth, the sky, and everything in them were finished. God finished the work he was doing, so on the seventh day he rested from his work. God blessed the seventh day and made it a holy day. He made it special (they mean he hided himself?, editor of this blog) because on that day he rested from all the work he did while creating the world. (They say he left us, or?, quote editor of this blog) 

The First Man and the Garden of Eden

This is the story about the creation of the sky and the earth. ("This now is their turn, or? ", quote editor of this blog) Is what happened when the  LORD God made the earth and the sky. This was before there were plants on the earth. Nothing was growing in the fields because the LORD God had not yet made it rain on the earth, and there was no one to care for the plants (That got our job, tuff times as Slaves).

You can check other Bible Versions and will find the same exchanges from  God to Lord God. 

They really really send God in Holidays. They were good people, not so? They did not want  God to work too hard. Unfortunately we still do not know who they are: these Lords. But we assume that they had been writing these things. But times come and we will know who they are. Why they put the truth inside their writings? I really do not know! May be they are scared from God?

However, those under you who did not do that yet but  talked to Jesus or the Pope all the while, when praying, better you consider some personal conversations with the real God, not so? 

His Holidays are over and you can contact him at any time, right in your home, in your heart. Just call the number: GOD

Warning: Do not eat too much mushrooms. 

But better than this

Samstag, 18. August 2012

Are you a Woman or a Man or you do not know anymore?

You might have realized or denied it, Woman are gone and Man are gone too and we do not know exactly where ..
In 1985 I was having that idea I should look for a spouse somewhere out there. Not such a big thing, not so? Wrong. It got a problem. Why? There had not been any men around me although I was nearly daily in an University. You know how crowdy such places used to be! Of course there had been a lot of people, but no men, neither women. I even asked my girlfriend and colleague whether she would see any attractive men. Okay then ... the problem came into my consciousness. All what I got to see out there had been some kind of a Milky Way Road full of androgynous beings who did not know anymore that they were supposed to get either women or men. Of course, I felt doubt whether my eyes could be confused by something in my soul what would not be normal. I gave that idea up. My observations since then never changed in their quality but in their quantity. They increased permanently. 
They attacked our abilities to be what we are: female or male and attractive to one another. The Eugenic Program were running. They do not want us to have children and they do not want us to have power. I am asking you to take this serious. It is not a matter of wrong pride. Humans as a specie are on their way to loose themselves and will get robotized, finally used as meat. Any research you do ends up in that horror. Organ transplantation, Gen manipulations and so fort. God thanks people are coming out now with this topic into the open. 

Mittwoch, 15. August 2012

Checking the German situation today, which I usually do not follow such much, as I am writing this blog in English and try to focus on the international situation, I nevertheless came by that German research on something which might be interesting for everybody out there. 

That point had been: there must be much more people out there who know what it is going on than we think. How did I find that out? I just checked the numbers of followers of some German sites and those numbers really impressed me. Plenty. We should be proud about that. Only one german blog which I checked had had 6 Million visitors. So count that up!!! Germany has only 80 Million citizens. If we just estimate another 10 blogs with about 1 Million visitors each we reached already the critical point  in Germany which is by about 20 percent. Of course we need much more, 50 percent or so. But who says we do not got them already. I do just a little estimation by 10 blogs. We have got much more blogs and the visitors again also know other people ... so things are spreading and cannot be stopped anymore. They are out there. 
Next I was impressed how well people are aware about the Illuminati. They are connecting the dots. That it is great. The Matrix got proper wholes. That reminds me on a prediction from David Icke from his early times when he said that exactly this would come. Nobody was believing him this but laughing on him. Now it is common and no more out of imagination that Reptiles could be behind the night mare even many might not be able to sense them. It is not necessary even. Time will bring things into the open. The truth has got such force now that nothing can stop it to come into the light, whatever exactly it will be. The thing now will be to act reasonable. And we do not know how, not so? There are so many points at the same time crashing into our senses that we do not even know where to start but feel overwhelmed by that horror which they created for us. People seem to fall into apathy about it. The former problem of mankind is facing us like the biggest of all monsters: our own ignorance from centuries. The corruption and the fears, but we also know either we overcome it or we are dead. That it is such simple. And I can see signs of that as well, especially in Facebook. People start to develop some kind of black humor about all - that it is great. That it is that mind we need to have enough inner distance to that monster film. It would be great if we can also find that inner emotion which is called: Freedom, the break through the slavery. This reminds me on the prediction of the Hopis who said that by the time when of a spider around the Globe (Chemtrails) would appear, man would stand together, rich and poor side on side. And I could also see these signs already in the German Internet. There are people speaking out now, that it is really nearly unbelievable. Professors and Lawyers and so on as well as people who are living from social warfare. Probably I should more often study the German websites to inhale that clearer mind. We are not such concerned about the fall of the Western Empire nor afraid from the Russians and Chinese. In fact we are afraid of that Western Empire, of course. Germans suffered that one enough already. But we also have the two sides in our history. The West Germans had been under the control of the Western US/UK Empire, the Eastern Germans under the control of the Sowjets. We are also the Nation in Europe with the most foreign citizens and the smallest problems with that although they try constantly to devide and conquer. But my feelings are telling me that it will not work out. They will not be able to break us into Germans against Turkey and Russian, Christian and Islam people. No this will not work out. Our kids grow together. And the president of Russia, Mister Putin was living for a good while in Dresden Germany, he speaks well German. His child grow in our kindergarden and society. It would be good if the US Citizens could be able to take us as their stars while they give up their supremacy ideas which had never been of any value. Folks bind yourself into humanity as a whole and things will be much more easy for all of us. It is a very good thing that the US soldiers break emotionally down and are crying now out all their tears from years in which they were hold as monsters against mankind. That had never been a good thing. Mankind must get free from US/UK Imperialism. No, do not worry about the Chinese. They are humans and wish freedom just like the all of us. Pipe your dogs in and there will not be a Chinese Invasion to control you. For what? No, I do not believe in that nightmare of the US Citizens. Chinese are business people no warriors. It is not their style. The main cancer herd is laying in the US, you must know that folks. Stop provoking mankind with your permanent wars. Work out something how to improve your society into the better. You cannot hold on on racism and fights between the religions. That it is bullshit. You cannot hold on on your ideas of being a rich man while plenty of your people  do not even have food, are living homeless. Why don`t you invite them to stay in your houses? Do something to limit the barriers between the richer middle classes and the poors. Offer the former soldiers food and your ears so that they can grief about all that horror of their living as monsters: heal that out. That it is your work. Of course the US will crash, that it is as certain as the AMEN in the Churches. But it is the US as a Superpower which will crash, not the US in generally. Overcome please all your racist bullshit as well. How can this even still be in your country? Shame on you for that. Love your natives, love your migrants .. you had been migrants as well. It is so much in your hands that mankind can win these challenges now without a big nuclear war and starvation. You must socialize that it is not the same as communism but it is to do with the love of humans for one another. How can few eat and the rest lives underground? And while such lifestyle you are bombarding each other about the right religion? That it is madness. Stop the Ku Kux Clan mentality which you allowed over 200 years. The seed  of all the shit. It is not for nothing that the main place for djinns or reptiles got your area. You deserved them somehow by your fucking racism. Racism is a big sin. That does not mean that you need to love Obama. Oh my God, he is a mindless mass murder just like DoubleW. You people need to humanize yourself after all the wars which you burnt on Earth: on the Natives, WWI and WWII and Middle East and Africa ... everywhere. The so called Western Empire must fall. It must simply give up its parasite style to live on the behalf of the rest of the world. The Illuminati will not have any bigger chance to succeed if you people get rid of all that racism which used to "allow" you to cause mass murder everywhere. Mister Putin was telling you people this but you do not listen. Please concentrate on your country and reform it into the better. That it is your job and not to bring your mental disaster to everywhere. What about par example helping the Germans to get rid of you: you are still feeding on us. Do you know that? Not Russia but your Nation. We are not against you people but we do not want to be occupied from you people and get used for your never ending wars. Make them ending now. Start that in your minds until it can grow out from there into reality. We want you to leave Germany and Poland. Do you get that? You are holding 2 Million Soldiers plus who knows how much of mercenaries who you released from certain prisons if they would only kill for your idea to be the best the world ever got. We need peace, you people as well need peace. Any single human needs peace. 
I am asking you in the name  of the German Soul please leave Europe. And please leave the Middle East. There is no place for you either. You took the heritage from the American Natives: now do something out of it which it is of value for you and mankind. It is not Supremacy. 

Dienstag, 14. August 2012

Matrix and Courts

The highest Court of Germany (Bundesverfassungsgericht) found out that the German Government is illegal somehow, is it? Yes man, they said that the Codes for the elections are not such correct. Of course this would mean, that they themselves, that Court, is illegal, or? Yes, because that court is called into existence by that Government, which exists because of illegal evaluations of the elections. Because that would be a mess, they did not release the Government but said, that that Government should make things more legal. Again: The illegal government got ordered by the illegal court to make itself more legal????? Things are confusing, I promise you this. In fact there is no more way by the current system of justice to get out of the confusions, not really. Because there are certain others problems as well.

Number 1
The Zone called BRD or Republic Federation of Germany is no state but a part of the State Deutsche Reich which was under the control of the US, UK and France since 1945.

This did not change when they added 1990 the DDR or German Democratic Republic what they also and as some kind of joke called the "Revolution" of the Eastern Germans or "The fall of the walls". Only that the DDR people do not know anything about such revolution. It was more that our governors suddenly opened the doors for the shepherds in the same way as they had closed them before. Just like in a farm. We had been the sheeples. 

The DDR got not added but included into the BRD. They called that "Wiedervereinigung" (Re-Union) of the Germans and arranged a big party at the wall where Kennedy once spoke surprisingly, that he also would be a Berliner. We are learning now why. Berlin is totally under the Control of the US. This does not mean that the rest would not be under that control. Let us continue with the rest. In 1990 they forgot something, that had been

Number 3: The third part of Germany is still included in either Poland and smaller part into Russia (Kaliningrad, ex Königsberg) .. and look for yourself: here are the Maps before and after WWI + WWII.

Now after 1919 (WWI) and 1945 (WW II) we find thisDatei:DeutscheLandverluste.svg

So nearly half of the 1000 years old Deutsche Reich (so please note that Deutsche Reich is not the Hitler Regime which was called Third Reich and lasted 10 years) is gone. But this Deutsche Reich is not gone by the International Law but therefore still considered as the enemy of about 46 countries. Yes, just like Japan we also do not have any peace treaty with you people out there. So all of us born after that WWII came here on Earth as some kind of "warriors" only that we did not know anything about that. I can  guarantee you that most Germans do not even know that there is no peace treaty in existence. Most of us even wondered what we suddenly had to do in Afghanistan. Therefore, that we got to know about that, they drove the former President Köhler out of office. That idiot told the people, that German soldiers were in Afghanistan because of "our" business over there. We should not know that we are now growing drugs in Afghanistan and care the business with our soldiers so that the Afghanian "Slaves" do not use them for them own but leave some of the drugs for our kids in Germany. Meanwhile they drove the next president also out of office. That one got checked out sooner than soon and because he did not want to sign bailouts for the whole EU paid by the Germans. Because of that "crime" they did not want "to bail him out" and told the whole Germany that he was corrupt, although he was not but they. So we have another Kasper now.  That one is for later. Back to the problem. 

Yes, the Deutsche Reich still exists. It is only kept somehow in sleep because it was occupied by Russia in the East, France-UK-US in the West. 

For after war born Germans this knowledge is some kind of shock, which it is bombing the matrix. Nobody ever told us this, instead they continuously lied us, in the BRD as well as in the DDR. The thing with lies is, that the day comes that they cannot be kept underground anylonger. They come into the open and that it  is in these days. Just like there was suddenly this Bush and then Obama, coming out from "nowhere" to the Germans again, so we thought. They never ever left this area! Since over 65 years the Germans have to pay their soldiers which are stationed here. Something about 50000 US soldiers are stationed in Germany. From here they go out for much of their certain wars against everyone and we, our troops are under their command. It is only played out to the Germans, that they would be sovereign of their own. Reality is different. Now it is Obama, before it was Bush who got pig and beer from Merkel. 

That had been pretty expansive because of that many police which they needed to defend their rendezvous in Germany. Many Germans resisted this  visit those days.

The Deutsche Reich has neither power nor peace. It has no power by itself nor and especially not by its people because its land is outsourced, so to speak. There are other Entities controlling its total former area, who  have nothing to do with Germans people. See it again on the map above. 

But its constitution still exist? Yes. Or let me continue the confusions: There are 2 versions of a constitution for the Deutsche Reich. The one before WWI from the time when Germany got nationalized in 1849 and the second one which had been the Constitution of the Weimarer Republic from 1919, so after WWI. 

But a Constitution of the BRD did never exist and does not exist, because the BRD is no state but only that part of occupation by the Western Allies: US, UK, France.   

This part called BRD got some kind of basic law (Grundgesetz) which got implemented for the times of the occupation. It should end when there would be the reunification of the Germans and a then by free will of the Germans chosen constitution.

But who is German? Nobody knows that exactly, throughout so called reunification and on the other hand migration and asylum demands Germany got a different population with different legitimations. The Bavarian Authorities defines that everybody is a German Citizen, who is born in the Deutsche Reich in its boarders from 1937 or  a follower of them by its bloodline. This includes somehow german minorities who were living in Eastern countries. Their sometimes funny called "return" to Germany (after 500 years of their immigration) got heavily promoted by the "Government". All other people who are born in the BRD and DDR are supposed to be Germans or find recognition as foreigners.  foreign nationality. They are also Germans because of their blood. This mix get used for political disorder by the Governors. First they tried everything to induce discrimination, now they do as if they were against discrimination. We know that this shall be used against the people so that they fight one another. They need us in mood against one another. It will be very important for the people not to allow such divisions. 
Back to the topic: the constitution. In 1990 when they added or included the DDR into the BRD many people expected a new constitution to be done and elected by the people from both parts. This did not happened. While the constitution of the DDR got totally dropped the Grundgesetz of the former BRD got in certain aspects changed and then law for the united BRD and DDR  now called BRD. No one was asked, the common folks had never anything to do with this procedure. They had been busy to get used to the new situation. It is now and while this situation got misused to include Germany into the EU that people start to wake up and understand certain things which were hidden. Par example that the constitution as well as the area of the Deutsche Reich got never touched nor overtaken through the US, UK; France or Russia. They let the entire german area of its boarders from 1937 in a situation which they could change however and whenever they would like this.

There are now people who are trying to get back the sovereign of Germany. This can only be done by the whole Germany as this is the only entity which would allow the claim of sovereignty legally and peacefully. So they wish to have back the Constitution of the Weimarer Republic which indeed would be fine as that constitution is a very good constitution for the citizens. But there is no reunification on the whole area. In fact the third part is outsourced to Poland. And the claim of that part also reminds all by the sudden on the ideas of the Nazi Regime and can easily be brought into such dimensions. Truth is nevertheless that the East part is legal recognized part of Germany by the International law, so in a way it could not be outsourced and implemented into Poland as the sovereign over this area. Poland itself is not recognized as a member of the so called Winner Allies of WWII. Its people are now living on German ground since 67 years. That it is a lot of time in which 3 generations grew who also feel the area as their home area.

But apart from that it should be understood that the current government is hiding the fact from the people not to be in anyhow the legal sovereign of the Germans. They are not. They even took part in its destruction into a company. And so it can happen that the US is spraying the inhabitants with Chemtrails and the non-government says it does not know anything about it. 

But what it is that?
Datei:Flag of East Germany.svg
This was the Flag of the DDR since 1959.  Must be by accident, or? Take this photo to understand things a bit better. They are seizing areas in their needs.
Freimaurer von Joern - H. - A. Lindhorst - Moll

So may be, not the East Germans but the West Germans got included into the East? One could think so since the current Masters of our disaster originate actually from the East. 
Another guy also originates from the East and is the current President Gauck. We had a lot of them during Mam`s government of us. But this one had been pastor just like Mama`s Papa had been pastor in the East. So many Angel Speakers from the East: wow, even our warrior minister who defends actually our interests in Afghanistan and elsewhere against German Citizens Will is the cousin of Lothar who grew with AM in the East. So so, it is. Now please do not fall into Schemes of left or right. West or East: just understand that this country has never been free from hidden societies, the same ones who killed Mister Kennedy.

So please be aware that Nationalism might look like Freedom for the people but it is not. You can be sure that they are going to use such mentality in order of their agenda  of depopulation.  The "German bloodliner" please understand that they have to unite with the Turkish and Polish people and so on. Do you get that? We must stand together.

That does not mean that you shall not estimate your folks and their cultures. That it is another thing, it is natural - it is your tribe. But Nations have nothing to do with that, they are the slavery halls for one or more tribes used by the Freemasons and Aristocrats and Churches. And so are their regulations. 

So, Germans: we really do not need to stress with the polish people about "our" land. We need to unite with the Polish people to free up that land from missiles which got placed their by NATO and the hidden government.
More studies here

Please take the following videos only as an introduction and do your own studies. Stop to believe everything they tell you.
 Hier finden die deutschen Leser die besten und sachlichsten Ausführungen zur Lage der Deutschen: 
1. es gibt keine BRD als Staat
2. wir unterliegen noch immer dem Kriegsrecht bzw. haben keinen Friedensvertrag mit 46 Ländern
3. die Grenzen von 1937 gelten völkerrechtlich ebenso wie die seinerzeitigen Grenzen

Mehr auf Wahrheiten.org

Montag, 13. August 2012

Iran threatened

or what do you believe?


Größere Kartenansicht

 When? Surprisingly the same day: 11, August 2012

How deep it went? like all the time
Please listen to this noun in Syria

Samstag, 11. August 2012

Some people have surprisingly contact with the Pleiadiens others with the somehow holy Galactic Federation of Light, and me? I feel overwhelmed by humanity.

Actually I am trying to figure out where the humans could be. In other words: I find animals more "human" than the humans and I do not scare them but those - who call themselves humans - I do scare them. Most of them. It is quiet special. For some days I am caring for a big dog. He has more the seize of a horse, so humans consider him as a danger. He does not even kill a bee, but humans do so. They even hunt ants. I must admit that I tried to get rid of earwigs, who had been living in my place in Gambia (before I moved in there). How? You must know how. I treated them with Chemtrails

But after one week of their united resistance I gave my idea to be the controller of that house simply up. Notice how the earwigs did!

Instead I went into conference with them how we could use the place together. So then it popped into my mind to build a fine road for them. I did that. I spend them a nice road built from vanilla sugar throughout the whole kitchen and they agreed. They never left that road and I learned to lift my legs when I wished to pass their road. I was living in Gambia those days. Anyway we white people over there had had some kind of crazy-chips on our foreheads so that there were no need to defend my reputation in the eyes of the Gambians. And white people had not been among "my people" over there. They were busy with hunting black flesh ... you know what I mean. The same thing you get to see in all countries with nice beaches and low currencies. No, I am not saying that this is a white people behavior; all over the Globe we find prostitution - people who do things against their nature. Or is it the human nature to be a prostitute?
Some people interpret the Adam and Eve story  in such way. Eve made dschiggidschiggi with the Reptile in order to get the fine apple and Adam the idiot followed her example. He copied Eve`s manners. That also seems to be human nature. I never saw that from animals. Even my pets had been more original, big individuals who only did what they wished to do, so that I could never identify them as members of a race. And so I also never saw in their societies racism. But human societies are full of such shit. They see races at any corner and if they do not see them they trouble their minds until they see races.

Chosen ones and unchosen ones: however there must be one or more to hunt. Humans build groups for such hunts. Fairness? Hei? Try to find such manner among the mobs. Human sacrificing is a pretty much common manner of human societies. Within few days they can establish such movement of a hunt for a sacrifice. If they would not have the Illuminaties they would form them out of themselves!! Just look on working places. There must be one to be hunt down ... and then the next and next. They call that mobbing.  Of course everybody tries to be under those who does not get hunt. So they go on their only risky other opportunity: they hunt together with the mob the sacrifice. Scary, isn`it?

Humans stick to the theme of offenders and victims. One cannot survive without the other one, not so? Big problems occur if there are more offenders than victims. Humans call that war. You know how deep you were into such mind, not so?

It is very dangerous not to comply with this shit. You are with us or against us, says the whisper. And you fool do not believe in conspiracy? Poor guy. Things are so conspirative that you do not even know how you function: totally out of mind and heart. You do not believe in mind control? So then you must explain these human manners all over the Globe. Try this explanation.

Could it be that I am not one of you? May be I am a Pleiadian or Member of that Galactic dingsda. But I would not know anything about such membership. So probably they forgot to program me for that offender and victim game.  I used to defend anybody who should get hunt.  I do not comply with such shit. Somehow I survived this behavior of mine till now but none of my "prophets". No ... I do not have prophets: all they say I follow. I am not a Slave unless by this fucking Globe where there is no more space to escape. Not even among the Natives. They get attacked like shit. No, I am not programmed to follow a prophet. I just like this or that person and what they stand for. As said they all got killed. None is left. Oh oh, what does that mean? Okay sometimes I think it is better to follow my prophets into "I do not know where they are now" than to remain in this global hell of human prostitutes.
I do not mean the "real" prostitutes, who everybody can easily identify as prostitutes; those who admit that prostitution is their job. No, I do not mean these people. In fact it is easier to live around them than to live among the philistines. The "real" prostitutes do not spy after other people. I never passed such experience although I had been living 3 times in my life around such areas: Reeperbahn (Hamburg Germany), Senegambia (Gambia), Negril (Jamaica). These people do neither spy after you nor do they deny what they do.

You do or did!

Probably it was/is you. You want to know what your neighbor is doing. No, you do not knock at their doors and ask for a nice talk. You spy after them. And then you move out with your newest spy hunt stories. 

"Did you hear what 
Mister Doodle did last week?"

In case you did not find anything special you got very creative and just told stories. 

Where are the Illuminaties?

It is important that you understand how they could come into such powerful existence. You did it. And that it is also the way how to undo it. Get a human.

A big hunt seems now to be the one of "conspiracy theorists". They all get accused sooner or later to be Reptiles or somehow related to them. I can only wonder about people in the US who usually put such "investigations" into the Internet. 

Why can`t you/they just shut up. You/they never said anything about those Reptiles when they were killing children around your/their yards but now you hunt them among those who made this public? Is that normal or mad or mankind`s nature? From here you want to evolve into the 4th dimension where ever this might be? 

What about evolving in this dimension, right now?

This is not by consuming but acting accordingly to the situation. The situation is right now pretty much horrible and you know that. Do not tell me bullshit. They are spraying us like earwigs with Chemtrails and they do not do that caused by love. So no more discussion whether but how to survive that shit now. That it is what has to be talked about. 

You know how we came into the shit - philistine bullshit. People in the US call that the American Dream. So probably you can catch it now: we must change. In the US it looks actually more horrible than in Europe but  this is only a matter of time. That does not mean that we must not act in Europe. In fact everybody must do something now. Everybody. In the US things might come sooner worse. How to face the coming extermination? 

The best would be to not let this happen. This only works out if many many people do their daily prayer for peace, health, housing and so on and of course freedom. Do not wait that they do it, the many people. Do it for your own. If everybody waits on everybody ... you know where this end. 

This prayer is functioning in the following way, by programming yourself on another reality. That it is real creativity. You have that power to create reality, so do.

Here are my suggestions how to program yourself.

I leave every being which 
(needs to) harms me. 
All Beings who (need to) 
harm me leave me. 
I stay in peace. I am healthy. 
I am housed.
I am fed. 
I am free. 

Do not think about how this might work out but follow the inner advises you get.

Impress your brain with these words about  5 times daily, just do it. Write it down, this brings it "in" even more stronger because your fingers are involved, that means your senses are connected with the pineal gland and more. But talking them is also well. But do it. Repeat each of them 5 times and that procedure daily 5 times. It will also help you to stay steady.

This is also by catching manners of humans. Do not panic, minimal not in actions. If you are supposed to die, it is better you die calm than in panic. Avoid idiotism and false heroism. Do not harm anybody else. Whatever you can do now to keep water which is not poisoned or something to clean it up, prepare that now. Store food. Have collodiale silver and vitamin C (essence) in store. They are the onliest helps in case of infections like Cholera and so on. Know also that you can clean your body up with clean water with salt (NaCl 0,9 = on 1/2 liter water 4 gram salt, just drink it that way). Go on with the prayers as suggested and follow the inner advises you will get.

This is by helping one another as best as possible. Do not hide help from your fellow humans and animals. What goes around comes around. Put that into your brain. Help.

Things are not nice. No need to quarrel about it now. We allowed things to get such far. Now  we have to face the consequences and try our best to turn them into better.

This guy here is not talking to you in the usual manner but taking things how they are. He does not refuse "Aliens" or the reptiles but does not talk bullshit about Pleiadians who would not have better to do than to rescue mankind from itself. Stop being an idiot.

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