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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Dienstag, 21. August 2012

What can we do?

That it is the question. We can continue to watch things and be hopeless helpless until we face total destruction of this planet or we can do something to bring the change, which we really need.

But we cannot change, if we do not have any idea what we want and must do. That it is the next problem. Many people are horrible imprisoned in schemes between Communism and Capitalism as Ideologies. This is useless, more horrible this is destructive and feeds wars.

Of course Mankind cannot allow an unethical Elite to rob them and the Planet. This simply cannot go. Period. And about that point should not be any further discussion. That does not mean that we need a communist system. 

But what we have to understand is: Politics and Economy must serve Mankind and not Mankind must serve Politics, Economy and their owner. 

And if we talk about Mankind we talk about 
all humans. 
I for my part also talk about all animals. But that it is another step.

Mister Andreas Popp and his friends are giving well ideas for the needed changes. Under the Video in German language you find english and russian translations which I urge you to read and to consider. Their views are finding the main problems in the way the "World System" was dealt and how they should be changed.

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