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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Samstag, 24. November 2012

Who are they

I like the style these fellows are doing: they do not hide that we actually do not know who are they but have to find out in consideration of: all we know is that we are getting deceived as much as better and this since a long time but minimal about 6000 years. This seems to be the starting point of our slavery. It could also be a fresh starting point. Who knows if they aren`t doing their depopulations of mankind on a regulare basic? Do you? I remember that I listened once to a Buddhist Guru, unfortunately I forgot who this had been, and the guy told that mankind would die after 6000 years as all other civilisations came to that point. So it would be wise to prepare for the afterlife. I felt pretty much disgusted about his teachings but these dying civilisations seem to be part of the belief system of Buddhism. If we could able to know and connect all of these so called world religions we might probably see the whole story of our slavery. I am utter busy to check out the bible and cannot even come clever about the Koran but again the Pali Canon and the Sanskrit? God thanks we are many.
As questioned in the video there is also the very confusing statement in the bible about the Jewish, who pretend to be Jewish and they are not. There are certain points in the Bible who do not go together as if two different parties had been writing them. But be careful, we cannot just accuse the Khazarean Jewish people of being behind the problem. Allthough we know that they are building the capitol of the NWO in Astana  it must not be that a certain folk is behind the shit. Many people from Kasachstan are even pretty much fucked and poor, just like us or even more ... so do not make any judgements before you do not know things. Like the doctor in this video we must consider non-human forces behind all the shit. For me this sounds more rational. Even the worsest humans, so I think, cannot hold on slavery and slaughter of mankind about such long period without that they would have gotten destroyed by the masses or among themselves. Avarage criminals tend to destroy themselves usually. They can`t hold on their doings over more than some 10 years or so. They need drugs or alcohol to keep themselves going like that but to imagine them as being able to operate the entire human race??? 
Weird brutality and mindcontrol seem to me the aspects which we have to follow carefully to break through the matrix. In terms of mindcontrol I suggest everybody to check out any  availabe knowledge about Voodoo. I consider par example these events in Bohemian Grove as such events of voodoo in order to invoke certain things. They could par example kill one baby as a representation for the many which are to be killed all over. So the ritual is "only" the initiation for the mass events and probably brings the "Code" into mankinds brain, may be using the blood and multipying this "info" in water. I do not know how and what ... but I got to see a lot of Voodoo practized in Africa and the Karibik. And things functioned.
I am just on such trip like these people in the video. We must find things out and therefore we must think different as usual, getting out of mind programs and just follow our own ideas about the topic. As more of us are doing this as more ways we can discover and follow up. We do not need permission to think for our own, what ever might pop up to our hearts, intuition and so. We are dealing here with pretty much crazy stuff. So it will be a good idea to think crazy, it might turn out as not so much crazy but coming to the hidden points. In the video they are speaking about a hidden area somewhere in Asia. Unfortunately again I forget the Author but long ago I heard about such author who was writing about people (beings?) somewhere in Asia who would be able to leave their bodies and rush to another point where they could pick up another body. May be somewhere out there knows the author of that book in which this was told and can follow it up. May be the story was even a bit different; as said it is a long time ago that I heard about this. May be I can provide you in some days with the datas in case I should remember things.

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