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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Sonntag, 9. September 2012

War or change

I am tired about the US way of conspiracy theory. What we find there is:
1. over 10 years of exposing what had been obviously since it happens: 911 as an Inside Job
Let me ask you (USer) some few questions about this never ending exposures. What did you do in this 12 years against the wars you followed up since your birth as United States? Whether it had been an Inside Job or not; would it not have been somehow "fair", if it was not an Inside Job but revenge? As we get to realize, your country is filled up with "believers", who all believe more or less in the Old Testament (Jewish, Christians and Muslims) and therein is fixed: Eye for Eye ....
So the US Jewish and US Muslimes must have felt well about that fairness of their beliefs to come through? What about the Christians? They should not fix themselves on revenge but on forgiveness. What about them? Should they not be able to forgive  those, who went for revenge especially as their countries had to pass never ending horrible agressions by your people?

So all of you believers should have taken some minutes of meditation on your core believes and then taken some steps to correct your policies. We do not find that but a lot of bullshit, that China were on the way to invade America. We must wonder why China got not yet accused about 911. And then again we have the rest of the believers: the TV believers. Do you Conspiracy Theorists followers really believe that it still makes sense to expose 911 as an Inside Job to those TV believers? They did not check it within 12 years, so now they will understand? Meanwhile many of your people died or got homeless  among either earthquake-terrorism(Haarp) or due to chemical poisonings of them and you people have nothing better to do than to defend the horrible "moral" of capitalism, what it is nothing different than the destruction of mankind and the planet in order of the Founding Fathers of that system?

Can`t you people think any clever than among the Matrix of the 2 party nonsense: Capitalism versus Communism? Why did you never try to figure out a third or fourth way? Or tried to find out what could have went wrong in Russia and China? And also what could have went well there, in the interest of their people?

It is very obviously that all mankind needs another way of sharing than what we have. How can it be that some few gangsters have control over all resources and now even over the air? Things are even worse than ever before in history. Not even in the Antique there had been such degree of exploitation and massmurder on this Globe than now. Those days only some areas where infected by that shit, but not the indigenous people. They were not only free but also happy till they got visitors from those groups who had developed farming and slavery. We call that Imperialism. Or the Roman Empire (The East had another Empire). This Evil never died since then.

Of course a communist state in which a small club again does the same than the traditional Oligarchs is not a win. But this must be studied. What really happens in the communists states? 

We all can see now how the posession of land and landressources in the hand of few gangsters kill the rest of us and you still cry for such horror? You still call such thing freedom? For who? Only for those who own the land. But land is given to any being which reached this Globe, by God (and if you ask me that God does not exist in the Bible nor Koran nor Talmud). 

We actually have the problems on this Paradise Earth since landownership got discovered by the (land)Lords as a way not to farm them own but through slaves. As long as humans did not farm they actually had nothing more than nature gave. No reason to fight about it. No, I do not say, that we should go back to that way of survival. We can`t even because we got too much people. But the discovery of farming by savery caused the fall of men, so to speak. Farming could bring more than necessary. Who got most could get rid of work and that was only possible by slavery. So some indeed very bad humans build secret groups, tried to seize as much land as possible and attacked humans to enslave them and let them work for them. Do you know who exposed this first? Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.

Richdom must be limited, of course it must. It cannot be allowed that landowners or super rich people can buy any poor guy who will then fight for these guys against you and me and our children. So we must work out something to unable such things.

What about wasting some times about such important question rather than wasting time about 911 again and again and again. It even sounds to me as if these endless lamentations were part of the policy of those who need to get rid of most of us humans. At least these never ending exposures of 911 work mentally for the Eugenics. You should realize this and start something constructive to think about and then to implement it. There is no change without vision where to go. The first step in such procedure should be: stop demonizing communism. In its deep sense communism means sharing. It is the most human thing to do so. How can one sit among many others and eat alone? That it is absolutely against the nature of mankind. They even had to implement this picture in Christianity by the figure of Jesus, but of course they let him die that you people never again come on such idea to go back to your nature: sharing with other human but obey the Lords. First many of them, later lesser till one God came out of the race.

The Rothchild/Rockefeller/Clinton bandits do not follow that idea of sharing with their NWO but their idea of having it all. They follow massmurder of the most of us and slavery for the rest. They comprimized your humanity by giving you much more than they let for other humans on Earth so that you would be willing to kill many humans on Earth. But they never let you in their club. They do what Mafia always does. They let you kill and send you somebody who will kill you.

It is really time that you people understand this and reclaim your humanity: this starts with sharing. I do not talk by the way about your democrats and their health policies. I do not talk among that Matrix in which we are living. As long as these land and waterowners are in charge of this planet or big parts of it, governments are nothing different than their bankers and mercenaries. They do the collectings for them. The same thing like in the Churches. After prayers you pay that they do not bring you to their hell. This had been Catholic Christian History. But when they developed this, people actually went into hell, when they did not pay these gangsters tax. This Catholic Church formed the states, the Monarchies than Democracies. These democracies were caused by their fears after the French Revolution. Too much of their Aristocrats lost their heads. People were fury on them because they were starved to death by these Monarchs. After the Revolution they worked out the democracies: Theatre Shows of Politicians so that in case of mankind resistance they could sacrifice the heads of the Politicians. They do that now even them own, whenever they want a regime change. So, I am not talking inside of this Democratic Matrix.

Sharing is the natural state of mankind. Just have a look on the indigenous people and how they do. Do they look in anyhow unhappy?  Yes they do. They know that they will get enslaved or have to die because the Imperialism is not yet finished. There are still some few free people on this Globe.

To understand what had happened in Russia and China and other socialists states you have to understand the following thing. If they cannot beat a movement they infiltrate it. They talk like those who promote better conditions for nature, animals and mankind. They even wear their fashions and sing their songs and then start to change them little by little or/and try to catch the confidence of the simple people who then will vote them into positions of power. Karl Marx, by the way, had been very aware about that problem and therefore gave the idea of elections which can be revoked on the process by the voters. How can it be that elected people are not responsible to those who elected them? How can it be that those who elected a person to act in their interest cannot stop that process when they get aware that the person is working against them? So, Karl Marx, suggested long before you people ever heard anything about communism, that responsibility of elected people towards the voters must be implemented in the system, he called that system 
Dictatorship of the Proletariat.

You better study these things properly before you reject them. He even said that such kind of system would only be a system for a while until mankind would have forgotten the horror of the money system, with other words never ending fights for some money for the many and growing greed of the few who got it. Such state would be needed until, so to speak, mankind would have healed itself from all that nonsense and came back to their natural way to be with each other: loving, caring and supporting one another. Do you really think that such stage can be reached by some few flyers which state: I am love. I am so positive.... Hallelujah, what a childish nonsense. We are dealing with 7 Billion people on Earth who suffered a monstreous history of murder and exploitation for about 6000 years. Please God, let some brain grow on Earth. How long does an Individual need, who got raped and tortured, to get over this, to not fear anymore any other human to do the same to him or her again and therefore better to do the first attack. That it is not really so complicate to understand but to do it takes a longer while and most of us will not live anymore when this comes. But it will not even come through for even further generations, if we do not start that process now. Many of us will not even like to live on, if we do not start now to practize some kind of communism. We will have to understand, that Russia and China did not failed totally. We can see now very cleary that they are the shareholders for world peace. India and Venezuela, South Africa ... all these countries who fought already the brutal Capitalism. Yes, they made a lot of mistakes. Horrible things happened even. Did they happen by those who wanted to bring mankind forward? No, the horrible things happened through those who infiltrated the system as described. The same folks who we, the 99 percent, face now openly aggressive towards all of us: they rather dy than to give up their positions. So they are weaponed up to their teeth and are ready to kill us. And that it is what they do unless we stop them to do that. So think about it and do not waste any more time about 911. You know what it is the truth. Waste your time better and develop a system which works for everybody, excluding those who simply wish nothing different than to end up in their own hell or how to describe people who do not wish to give up massmurder and pedophilia? They need to be imprisoned for that.
2. The permanent exposure of Conspiracies Theorists
There is not any of these persons who went public who did not pass exposures by people who find themself pretty much clever to expose everybody. They get described as agents for the enemy. Hello? What it is this. If anybody knows something concrete; par example: David Icke rapes children, and can proof this. Please then: put this to the court. But just bringing statements that he or Alex Jones or whoever among them, from who you actually got your pieces of informations are in reality agents for the enemy ... This is working for the enemy. It destructs the rest of confidence of humans into their abilities of thinking and finding own conclusions. It also destructs something very important; the consideration and exchange of ideas, ethics and statements. Since when do we need to love somebody rather than to refer to the ideas, ethics and statement of the person? By the way, how comes, that you exposure-people did not expose all the TV speakers and Politicians and so on, who brought you into the situation in which you are now? You actually did nothing. So, would it be an idea to show some shame about that and then to do something senseful. If you exposure-people got better ideas how to do, will we see you helping humanity in the public? Or are you looking for a dictator, who knows it all and can take  you under his loving arms that you feel secure that you never ever need to overtake own responsibility for anything. So, if you do not like Alex Jones voice, what about listening to other voices instead of insulting him a warmongerer just for his voice. That it is madness. Or another thing: Is it now a crime to be married with a jewish women? Just because you now found out that certain subjects among the "Elites" pretend to be Jewish now every Jewish must get slaughtered into your eyes without any trial nor proofs? What kind of manners are you developing? Of course, can it be, as mentioned above, that people are infiltrating our trials to get free from the horror. But please, to expose that we go the way of humans. We do not just throw dirt on people. By the way: nobody excludes you from risking your life for humanity. What shall we think about such questions: why is David Icke not yet taken out ... with other words assassinated. Are you praying on that so that you can be sure that his researches are really true?
3. The concurence among Conspiracy Theorists against each other.
They seem to get over this childish behavior now, but still we find this. I guess this appears caused by Capitalism. They need to sell their books, radiostations and so on. Even Conspiracy Theorists are products of what they expose, as we all. Capitalism provides the idea that we have to fight other people who sell simular products than we ourselves do, otherwise one would loose customers. I said already that it takes a longer while to heal such nonsense out of ourselves. Another thing is: who is deeper involved in all these Conspiraries might feel permanent frightened, even more than others who just find out. They do might inhale a certain mistrust into anybody by that work they do. So we have to help them to get more "relaxed" and this can only come through by many of ourselves to help them and our energies to turn things into the better of humanity. So, in fact it does not really matter if one is calling the things which might lead the mad Elite Reptiles or Aliens or Archons or Demons: it ends up by the same horrible problem which we have to solve.
4. Benjamin Fulford I know that Fulford is giving real challenges but especially for the most uneducated people among us. Could it be true that there are certain ninjas with who he is in contact and that they try to defeat the Oligarchs? The answer is: of course this could be. It could also be bullshit. But probably you would be happy, if it were true. Or, could it be a not such stupid idea to make such thing getting true?

The Love Movement had been already. That had been the times of the Hippies. Most of you or your elders opposed them. Those days had been the times you could have come out with Love, peace and harmony. You did not do that but insulted them people as dirty and out of debate and whatever else. But without them WWIII would have happened already. The same is to say about Kuba, Russia, China and Libya and some countries in Latin America. What about developing some respect for the real founding fathers of something like humanity against the brutal capitalism which runs over dead people? What about thinking by the way? How can it be that you people in the US find out that you got lied to by the mainstream media and their owners but cannot be able to consider that the people in the East of this Globe actually got different informations than you? In certain issues much better and clearer. How can it be possible that you cannot realize that the brainwashings are in you ... probably also in the people of the East but different from you? Come down from your horses, so to speak. US as an Empire is finished. If anything is clear, it is that. They wonna crash the US Empire and turn to Eurasia as their centre. You people are nothing for them. Just stupid idiots which they used to kill Africans, Arabs and Eastern people and more ... And let me tell you a secret. They think so from all of us. So, come home to humanity. We need one another to come through these times as best as possible.
Here now I am linking you to an interview with a Russian Professor,  Andrej Fursow . He is an historian and Leader of the Moscow University for humanities. He is also a member of the international academy of science in Munich. You will be astonished how much of the researches of Benjamin Fulford you will find confirmed in his view of the global situation. Of course, as a Professor he expresses things different than a journalist. Do not cry for Indivualism and then cry that all people shall act and express themselves like those folks you are used to by the American Stupidity Media, very uniform.
So here it is: We have a German version and we have a Russian Version. So, all other natives please use the link and google translate.

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