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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Dienstag, 4. September 2012

Shaman Knowledge The Shadow People

It will take you time to listen to the whole program but I urge you to take that time. Thunderstrike is an half Cherokee half Irish Person who learned a lot from his elders of the Indian side. Also the Interviewer is somebody you will like to listen to because he miss so wonderfully any arrogance and brings about a constructive and loving athmosphere in order to open up to the Ander World (or however you like to call the different dimensions, we got told to ignore). Many people got declared crazy when they could not ignore these dimensions but felt or saw beings surrounding them. Here we do not find the typical and in my view made up Galactic Federation Bullshit but the real things we will have to recognize. Before they are coming to discuss certain pictures send by listeners of the show, Thunderstrike is giving the prophecy  of the Cherokee and other Tribes in case of a bad choice of humanity. This sounds pretty much different than the fixed, and that means not changeable programs of Armageddon of the "usual" Religions. For me it is very interestingly that Thunderstrike, who I got to listen to my first time today, is telling me in that dark prophecy exactly my feelings how things will appear, in case that Humanity, but especially Northamerica will not change their way to be. They will be taken down by an alliance of Russia, China (and I guess more of the East like Japan, Korea, Malaysia and so on) and the Middle East ... I guess even more and hope that the German Citizens this includes all our Turkey people, will know that we belong to the people who need Freedom from US Terror. Nobody needs to bring that along with war but in case the US goes forward in their extermination of humans we must hold on the opposition of that horror.
Dear US Citizens, you are the majority of people on my blog and I guess for a reason, probably something like reconnection to humanity. I am begging you to do all your level very very best to bring down the Evil which is moving through your area like thin shit. I do not visit Jamaika anymore because of the US. Do you get that. One must be scared that they will get a hit with HAARP and intervened by your soldiers like this had been the case in Haiti. Jamaika got pretty much turned from the US in a hidden or open source for drugs and prostitution. You citizens are spoiling the people up there. Seriously, I am sad to tell you. You people really need to know whether you want to get regonized as monsters all over the world or as humans. We never saw you as freedom fighters, none of the people you brought your way of life by your bombs and poison. It is you people who got proper deceived into the feelings of Superiority and that also makes you such ideas that the Evil  would rest in China and not among you. Of course there is Evil all over the world but the concentration camp for that is in the US. So we are praying that you people wake up and turn things into the better, in your area ... not in our areas. Therein it is us who will have to clean up.
Dear Germans, you also better wake up sooner than soon. We cannot stand on the side of NATO, which is EVIL pure and needs to kill about 90 % of the living beings. Especially our youngsters; hei wake up. We do not need to get back to the third Reich but to our indigenous roots as tribes. I am calling you to disable all the politicians, all of them alike which party. They are all in the Evil Federation together with France, UK and the US, Sweden and Italy, Norway. They allowed them even without public acknowledgment to have their war management in our area (Stuttgart). Talk and pray and do whatever you can that we can disable these corrupted folks to harm humanity.

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