It seems that plenty people suffer already dementia because they forgot how a healthy sky used to look like. Even the sky above as shown on this picture is not a healthy sky but in parts already spoiled. Healthy clouds appeared without any zick-zicks frames. But this picture anyway can probably remind and make some persons think. If they will act is another point.
What kind of acts do we need? Can we fight the pilotes who are carrying this genocide out? Probably, if we can identify them. It would be an idea anyway to visit the airports at the backdoors where the stuff enters. There are many actions what could be done to bring the genocide in the open and undeniable awareness. It does not even need my ideas, such ideas are well known. But as we all know such things do not happen. Why?
Actually we face an increasing number of people who realize the chemtrails but the same time there is an increasing number of stupid people either, people who are on their way to dementia and reduction of all of their human abilities. Only for Germany, which holds a population of about 80 Million people we get the "prediction" (read: announcement) of 20 Millions who will suffer dementia around 2020. A quarter of all inhabitants they need to be dement only in Germany. Pray that you are not among them, or? Is that the solution? Is it the solution to find herbs, which can release some of the injuries by these chemtrails? It helps of course a bit but we must stop the poisoning. There are really some people, who do not deny the Chemtrails but flee themselves into such illusions that humans are going to develope some kind of immunization. Some think they will get god or land in the 5th dimensions, we only wonder how. We do not hear this from those folks. The stupidity of humans is facing high inflation just like the money system. Probably they think that Jesus will jump out of the sky and end the human suffernis; or in the East: nothings must happen than that we have no more desires for this 3-D World.
If the common literally taken understandings of the religions get unfolded we will find the Christians waiting for Jesus coming out of the sky, the Buddhists ready to die (another expression of no more desire), the Muslims blowing themselves and others into the air where they hope to find some virgins and the Jewish bombing the entire planet so that they can hang out in Jerusalem alone. The fully idiotism will be out there. All the people on this Earth who never questioned anything especially not their religions will face their stupid believes. The masters of their mind brought them to the armageddon of their collective idiotism. We wonder why people even scare mindcontrol; they are mindcontrolled.
God thanks not all. And those are the ones who will have to make it. I suggest in the following way:
1. Inform others but do not get stuck in that work nor in the resistance of people who do not want to realize anything nor get stuck in the unabilities of those who are already dumbed down. Just try to reach out to those who have some capacities left and might get ready faced to worldwide genocide to overcome their normal comfort zones of not doing anything in order to make the human behavior on Earth a better one. (Note, we do not need to change the wonderful Mama Earth but our ways to live on her). Yes, it is the human behavior which caused all the mess. The Elite is carrying this out through us -mankind- which is allowing this by ignorance, apathy and corruption.
2. Get busy to understand your religions as deceivers and stop to follow their misuse of the scriptures. Study them by your own. Read them until you understand them properly.
3. Practise the ideas of your scriptures, not sometimes but all the time. Train yourself in discipline.
All the scriptures are telling you indeed the same things: you must use your brain because therein is the Kingdom of God. (By the way there is a saying: what you do not use you loose). In short words: you must do meditations and some other mind tools in order to get rid of bullshit-beliefs about yourself like you would be
- powerless
- stupid
- useless
- unworthy
- poor
- weakett
- sick by conception (of God)
- a sinner by conception (of God)
You are not one of these things unless you believe it. What you believe (think that it would be true) makes the you and your way to be on this Earth, it forms your and other people reality. With other words: as more of us are continuing to believe the fully program of bullshit written above as more harder things will get. Do you get that? Do you want to get that horrible experience any longer?
Let us discuss some of the mentioned common limitations which the average human usual thinks to be true about him or herself.
Powerless. Can that even be, that humans are powerless? It cannot be because we are made from power, which it is another word for Energy. We are part of E=mc2 what means we are from Energy formed into masses (bodies) which we inhabit with our souls during the daytime.

source (Arche Noah among much of water)
that means through your snakes (moving up and down through your spine) into your heart generator into matter existance. Connect it with the 7 heavens (Chakras) and get a glimpse of who your are. A miracle, a wonder, a temple and much more. Able to create heaven on Earth and with Earth. So we must create our healthy clean Sky and Earth. Note below the videos some thoughts.
So called spiritual people tend to withdraw themselves from what happens on Earth but especially the "Positive Thinker" cause a lot of ignorance, at least they deepen this habit of common men. It is not positive to see a hungry crying child and to ignore it by thinking "I am well". This is ugly and even more than ignorant, it turns our world in that horror we have already and could get more, if we follow such style. You can get a lot of Newsletters with the newest tools how to think positive and get more money and so on; every day new masters like that appear and are telling you that your suffernis will end if you only concentrate on your wealth. It is an illusion to think that you would be alone on this Earth, independant from anything around you. Do not mind that they are bombing people everywhere but concentrate on your money income - and see what you will receive. War and a world without love, everybody excluding thinking on him or herself. On the other hand it is bullshit to withdraw from this Earth by non-desiring anything but especially no money (or what it represents). If you want: kill yourself than you are out of desire (minimal for this life) but as long as you do not do that you are here on Earth and should have some desires such like clean air, clean water, clean food and some kind of shelter for your body to keep it warm and comfortable. So do not get mixed up by Buddhas desire to no more desire anything or see it in this way: do not attach yourself to the outcome of your prayer as long as you do not see things manifesting or what could happen much better manifesting than you could ever imagine. It means: if you ask God or the highest source of creation for help you better listen to the unfolding help and do not get in such mood to know things better. It does not make sense to ask for help when you are out of knowledge how to do and then to refuse the incoming advice through your inner voice because it brings you clearly out of your 5-sense-stand point of view.
In the featured links on the right side you find an initiation to open your 3rd eye/Kundalini. I know that Nithiyananda passed some strange accuses and do you know what? I think the guy is such beautiful that it is 1. no wonder if he enjoyed his beauty and it is 2. no wonder if there are people who get into envy and jealeousy such much that they need to destroy him rather than to work on them own and their own beauty. Why is it that people need to judge anybody around them who is doing things better or different than they? In the bible you got the story of the prostitute which should get stoned and Jesus should have said: who is without sin please throw the first stone. So please stop judging peoples enjoyment as long as nobody got harmed; it is not your business. But if somebody got harmed, like plenty of children get sexual abused around the Earthly World by a lot of priests and politiceans: what about opening your big mouth in these cases, who truly need your help? Finally: there are many roads to Rome. We can understand this verse this way and that way. We can understand Rome as the centre of horror on Earth where they put themselves as Gods over us; we can understand the verse also in this way: there are many ways to come to a certain place or achievement. So the way Nithiyananda is providing in order to open the 3rd eye and Kundalini energy might not go for you. This could simply be the case because you simply do not try it but are judging it before you try it. Or you try it and cannot make it somehow. So it is: people have their own time to achieve things. People also have different ways which fit them better or more worse. Just pick out what fits for you and stop critizing like a foolish child. If you want to critizise, critizise something of disvalue for a lot of humans and animals and then do something about it. Soon you will find yourself critizised from stupid thinking and acting people who hold on ignorance and jealeousy.
In order to open your 3rd eye you should know if you really need that already and if so, you are going to find a method to do so. How do you know that your 3rd eye got opened? Things you wish manifest soon and stronger. Do not get too mystical. Your 3rd eye is even a bit opened otherwise you could not have manifested anything but you did that already. But you did it unconsciousless. Not bad at all. Jesus said: be like the children. Why? Children just imagine this or that and jump into it without doubting it for a second. So in fact it is not anything totally new for you. You must only refresh your Pineal gland and get it used with your own creations instead of creations others manipulated on you. For certain it is also not very usefull to overload your pineal gland with wrong food (milk, meat and a lot of poison) or to dry it out because you do not drink enough. Drink enough clean water (or black coffee) and forget about killing animals and eating them. It is anyway not a nice habit to eat your fellows on Earth. How can you expect peace on Earth while you are hunting beings to death, you who does not need to consume flesh. That it is rather crazy, don`t you think so? By the way: also humans are beings and this is also valid for all humans who are not citizens of the United States or the common crazy countries like UK, France, Italy and Germany who are causing a lot of horror on Earth by their exploitations and wars (or permissions and participations that this can go on and on. But to put the flag of the United States on Jesus and then to bomb the rest of the world and even the moon is the highest state of idiotism. Could you please stop that?