We do not know and must dig in the darkness, sensing somehow what it is on because the medias are totally under control of the New World Killers. It is really hard to take it how Netanyahu-s are accusing the people from Gaza to be a threat to them. Imprisoned people are a threat to a highly militairy bastion which owns about 200 Atomic Bombs??? On the other hand, they did not trust yet to attack the Iran. Probably this operation on Gaza is their substitute to cause mayham and in best of their cases against humanity WWIII. The same time it could be just part of their strategy: we know they go step by step: Egypt, Libya, Syria involving Turkey and now Palestine: who is next? Some new Hurricane in the East or in Australia? Long time they did not "treat" Southamerica ... Hope people are getting the picture: it is against all humans not. What about the economy? Total collapse soon? Interestingly Germans are still sleeping and sleeping and sleeping while Spain, Ireland and Greece are already on the roads. but more than this we need to wake up and bring the Cabale out of office: everywhere.
We need Glass-Steagall.
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