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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Sonntag, 18. November 2012

Collective Murder

I hate the term warcrime because war is a crime in first place, it is collective rape, torture, robbery and murder. Period. After such "happening" in Libya and during such "happening" in Syria and more countries indeed (in Africa) the choosen people from Israel now showed up with another murder event on the people of Palestine. Let us get this straight. Palestine is the real name for that area and not Israel.
The Germans are still dreaming, I fear, that it would be a good thing, this Israel. In their collective guilt about the second worldwar (what a bullshit, the whole world had been stupid enough to kill one another) they do not trust to think a bit. How comes that Germans are paying for this Horror Entity Israel much of money? For what? Are you folks able to think? Then please do some researches to get out the truth instead of hanging in front of your TVs and shopping around in 1 Euro Shops; sorry for you that more is not in anymore. You are dreaming you Clowns, who are living from Socialsupport. There is no such thing like an universal law that it is guaranteeing you social pensions for ever.  The middleclasses got ripped off. Do you get it: soon the Jobcenters will be closed. Or what do you think: it is all so far away? Only the lazy Greeks and undeveloped Espanols or drunken Irelands but not you fucking Germans are crashing into disaster? How ignorant you folks can be again? Why should I get outraged on the average US Dummie if I am surrounded with a lot of German Dummies?

There are days when I cannot stand this human race, especially if they consider themselves to be the crown of creation on Earth. Dogs and Cats have more empathy than humans. If their owners die they hang around them and grief. But you people turn the TV on and are talking bullshit: you must focus on your daily business. And that it is your TV. Now some clowns in the US have been finding out what had been clear since conception that Obama is using methods of Mind Control. I do not think that this had ever been necessary. Things are far more easy. You people are sheeting yourself into your trousers and therefore you accept everything, even stripes in the sky. Since those days you even avoid to talk about the whether. You do not want to come into such small path what could force you to tell the ugly truth: they are killing us. All over the Globe. No man, nobody is telling me again that he does not know anything what it is really going on. You either benefit from the Gangsters who are raping us off or you are supporting them with your ignorance and cowardness. And in many centuries you people were willing to do so, you went to kill people at the end of the disasters. May be this time we get things done in few days: WWIII. But I do not think that they follow such strategy. They make it more clever. They go from country to country and rape, torture and kill the people. These maniacs are ashwholes but they knew that you humans are ashwholes as well. They love ignorance. How many years now that ISRAEL is killing Palestinensians? I grew up with that knowledge and you wonna tell me you do not know? Why aren`t you a bit honest and tell me that you had had never any interest how many humans get killed in a war as far that one was far enough away from you?

There are the Positive Thinkers out there. That it is a new tool to avoid the ugly truth of the conditions of mankind. Just bind some positive thoughts around your eyes and you will not see the crying children who they killed.

I do not know but sometimes I think that the current running human race is even more fucked off than the one who had had the WWII murder party.  Those people had not had TV nor Internet? You could be informed. It really takes a lot of ignorance to do how that running human folk is doing. May be I am wrong. May be it is the silence before the storm. Hopefully, if not there will be a big awakening but not a sweet one. Financial collapse, starvation, no Gas no electricity and so on and from the sky some bombs and chemtrails filled with viruses. And the Germans will complaint that they got not told ... there is a war on you. Fuck you guys, how long shall we tell you how the things are. You do not want to do your own researches and you do not want to do anything about it. That it is the situation in Germany. There are only few who are different. Horrible to face such mentality. In Berlin had been a demonstration against the murder of Palestines but too few. Shame on us.


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