In the Western Civilisations there had been that culture which celebrated Thinking as the Mastership of human Intelligence (control) and Feeling as the Excuse to feel as a victim. It is the System of the Dark Ages which needed humans not to realize that they are creating, that they are Co-Creators by their thoughts. You know that we can think in different ways. We can analyze this and that and usually this ends up with accuses on a system or person who might have caused bad situations and the bad feelings about it. We can also copy thoughts from other people or the Television Entities. The Western Civilisations have built from both of the described ways of "thinking" huge mountains which end up in a lot of shit. People in the West have about 60.000 Thoughts a day. It is not really a wonder that this causes bad feelings, total stress but not relaxation and bliss.
According to Paramahamsa Nithyananda these societies and their members are going to depressions in the ongoing days of 2012 when we are passing the new cosmic alignments. With other words the
According to Paramahamsa Nithyananda these societies and their members are going to depressions in the ongoing days of 2012 when we are passing the new cosmic alignments. With other words the
System: I think so I am
(obviously bullshit: are you dead if you are silent? But we got used to blabber)
(obviously bullshit: are you dead if you are silent? But we got used to blabber)
will crash. People who are not used in silence will get frightened as if they are loosing their identity, their personality, their lives. Cultures in which these kind of thoughts did not have such value but where they practized
Talking is sometimes Silver, Silence is Gold
will feel really exited and enter into the natural State of humans as Co Creators:
Few thoughts (more likely to decisions, imaginations) bring much of actions (realisations). So it is senseful to practize Single Eye Meditations. Learn to keep quiet, now and stop blablabla. If you think: imagine/create: Peace. So, even I do not advice anybody to continue ignorance and not to realize the Agenda of the NWO nor to invite other people to reflect this Evil: we cannot make this undone by the same way this came in place. The Thinking - Victim system had been the way to come to that stage of war and all the problems on Earth. Now we will have to understand: we must end this and go the way which was given by Krishna (Jesus):
practise your prayers in your inner church (Pineal Gland) and be silent.
practise your prayers in your inner church (Pineal Gland) and be silent.
Another thing is the question of responsibility. If you and you and you decide to continue not to have any responsibility on what it is going on, what do you expect? Paradize on Earth? A savior who will make it instead of you?
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