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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Freitag, 18. Januar 2013

National Socialism

Gerald Celente is quoting Einstein that it would be a sign of insanity if people await by choosing the same methods (and ways) different (better) results.

It could be that soon we are facing a new rise of National Socialism as a result of "resistance" against the centralisation of power in few hands.

We know that the Elite is heading to their idea of the New World Order. Do we know how they do it?

They concentrate power by the overthrow of (their) Nations and the creation of Superstates just like the EU or Africom. Before discussing this deeper we should acknowledge that the Elite is not heading to a New World Order but actually they save their  Old World Order: they keep it going, their power over humanity.

So they need to kill most, sometime many, sometimes a part of us from time to time (epoche to epoche) and re-start their system with some of us who they wish to mindcontrol again. To achieve that goal they need not only to kill us but to be able to devide and conquer us (permanently).
They need conflicts between the avarage humans on Earth.
We have a German saying: if two are fighting a third one will win. The Elite is and always wants to be that third party. So how they do? They cause on one hand technocratic fascist Superstates which by the same time increase problems between the avarage inhabitants of these regions, who will probably do not understand the big picture but think they should call for "their Nation" to be saved from the "Foreigners".

From that point it is not very difficult to embrace racism and wishes for "end-solutions" .. the readiness of people to fight anybody who could be a threat to ones own (people) survival chances. And there will be a lot of argues why the others are not worth to live ....

Napoleon went for Russia ... and where did it end? In many wars of Nations whose slaves were killing each other. And the outcome was fine: for the Elite. The soldiers and folks from all the Nations were dying fine and finally in the death camps of Russia: much of ice. On their way they left death camps all over Europe and Napoleon retired after the well done job ...Korsika, not such cold like the loch ness of the Russian Tundra. Of course the whole bunch of Elite went also on to feel fine and save. Do you get it?

So how they are doing actually and always again and again: they create horrible economic problems for ordinairy people all over the Globe but always somewhere more than elsewhere. And of course by trying to survive, people migrate to wherever it could be a bit better ... and then it looks as if these migrants damage the chances of the people who are invaded by migration and who think (by mind control) to be the owners of "their Nations". Are they? They used to forget that they are not the owner of these Nations and had never been. All Nations since Civilisation had been in the ownership of the Elite. The Elite is doing a lot before they are flashing the mobs to war in order of making them identifying themselves with the Flags of "their" Nations. Flags, National Authems and similar symbols are well to create such mindcontrol.

During the processing of the EU exactly this was orchestrated. They flooded the Nations with Migrants from all over and finally increased the amount of Migrants through further threats: regional wars and inflations through currency manipulations and the printing of money ... Germany par example is flooded with Migrants since a longer time but increasingly during the last let us say 10 years. They flooded in especially Muslimes and former inhabitants of the Sowjetunion. But the years before that they flooded in Latinamericans where they had faught the people with inflation and famines and certain civil wars. Meanwhile they called these movements Globalisation. Those people who did not migrate but remained in their birth regions used to get stress ... unfortunately not over the point that the Elite is orchestrating their disadvantages but over the Migrants. Funny things are coming out then. Par example: the USers feel stress over the flooding of "their" region with Mexicans and Muslims ... They forgot that they them own once flooded the region because their ancestors got outflooded from Europe. They were not living those days and those days of their ancestors are too far away from their conscious mind so that they do not realize: Hey, what it is that? All the while people get outlawed from somewhere and flooded into somewhere else where they shall kill off the former mobs and get the next mob.

Folks, we must do a lot to overcome this lack of understanding; we have to understand the patterns which are used against us - otherwise we will face by the rise of National Socialism the NEW-OLD World Order by killing one another. Chinese will kill USERS and USERS will kill everybody and Slawes (Russian folks) will kill Germans and Germans will kill everybody ... and the fucking invisible Elites and their Lizzards are residing somewhere after their big meal of our suffernis.
French Revolution (Part 1): Part 1 of the French Revolution. From the Convocation of the Estates General to the storming of the Bastille
French Revolution (Part 2): Royals try to escape. Champ De Mars Massacre. Declaration of Pillnitz. Movement towards becoming a Republic.
French Revolution (Part 3) - Reign of Terror: The Reign of Terror
French Revolution (Part 4) - The Rise of Napoleon Bonaparte: The rise of Napoleon Bonaparte


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