Did you hope to be able to do your life according to your dreams? I guess you did. Most in the Western Empire (US-Canada, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Suisse, Danmark, Sweden, Norway, Finland) still do and do neither mind that these countries are on their way to not only colonize Africa in a new fashion style including beheadings and other nusty methods of torture before the otherwise called endsolution of human death (Libya, Syria, now Mali and 35 countries on plan .. more will come ..if ..) but also to be the main acteurs in the Depopulation Agenda21 which kill off anything alive. Okay; I am sorry to tell you but your dreams will not come through as long as you do not consider the existing Powers on this Earth and all their helpers and do something about them: They are crying for their release and if you do not catch that and get ready to overtake power and responsibility, you and your children and your pets and your whole environment will be dead.
I am whitnessing a generation of zombies who are busy like the childrens of idiots with their Internet and other virtual tools, many of them are already senile and this is not a matter of their age. Not only that they do not realize what it is given to them in Air, Water and Food, they cannot even put 1+1 together. They cannot write properly either but think? ... and that all after many years of school. Their parents do not realize it, they are senile them own and their teachers ... do not ask me what happens to them among the teachings of political correctness by the Green Party and their Sympathisants. While they identify themselves as Bio-Conscious-People they, the same sympathisants do not realize how dumb they got. They bring their elderlies, who are sick from Dementias of all kind to the elderly cares and never ask: why are our parents dying from Dementia, Cancer and Heartattacks in masses? Many people even do not know that water, air and food is essential to them; they are - as said already - busy with their virtual tools and if they feel somehow bad, they rush permanently to their doctors. A lot of young people under them. And they eat drugs given to them by their spoiled doctors from who many if not most are part of the killer agenda. Some pains, no brain and so they eat what it is given to them: they do not question their doctors treatment. They, the doctors, are calling this now "Pain Management" .
I am so sorry, I also wanted to do my life according to my dreams. You are not alone under those who get killed but you still think you should not acknowledge it, or do you? Your dreams are more important to you than your reality. You are defending them, not so? There is no space for your reality: yes, that reality is fucked. Do something as long as you can. Idiots wake up.
I am so sorry, I also wanted to do my life according to my dreams. You are not alone under those who get killed but you still think you should not acknowledge it, or do you? Your dreams are more important to you than your reality. You are defending them, not so? There is no space for your reality: yes, that reality is fucked. Do something as long as you can. Idiots wake up.
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