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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
Radio Podcast

Samstag, 9. März 2013

Let us talk Holocaust again

As said already yesterday: we are not going to see any change on this Globe before we do not acknowledge the genocide-s of Native Human Inhabitants of this Earth,  by the Europeans. Let me say some of the Europeans. Let me even let that topic open ... There is a lot of research to be done, who when killed who. But for sure we know, that Europeans genocided the American Natives, African Natives and Australian Natives and their own European Natives and that their American Branch is not yet finished with killing people, especially Natives.

We will not even understand, what brought us into the mess - the Global Fascism we are seeing already growing like a cancer and what will finally bring about the total destruction of mankind - if we do not go through the process of acknowledgment as well as regret and grief about the horrible genocides. We need to ask for forgivings.

I see the Natives as the real humans (minimal the nearest to them) who had been living as hunters and gatherers. They lived in harmony with the Nature - so far we know. 

But there are many things in the darkness - and will probably stay there till mankind could able to open the records of its own history which got stolen and hidden by and in the Vatican. 

Par example don`t we know yet and for certain, what kind of societies they had had in the Southamericas: the Incas, the Mayas ... Their lives seems to have been pretty much simular to the lives of mankind during the Slavery Times with the Pharaos in Northern Africa. They had these special Pyramides overthere just like all over the Globe. We still cannot build them by ourselves. 

Who then built them?

We also do not know why mankind suddenly came on the idea to go for agriculture 10.000 years ago and after 190.000 years (if not more) of our existance.  Especially in Africa had not been any reason for such change: it had been the Garden of Eden, so to speak.  

Agriculture is a very hard way to make a living. In Africa things are growing from alone - even more than one time a year. There had not been any human need to cut off all the trees, which provided the people with all kind of fruits - for free, without any bigger "work".

Only a fool would exchange such nice lifestyle against tuff hard work, would you? Why should people have developed the very tuff hard work on the ground after 190.000 of a gathering lifestyle which provided everybody with everything?

Can you believe that this happened because Eva was taking an apple from the forbidden tree? From then humans should hardly suffer, digging the ground and getting children under pains? Are you kidding me? 

Please man, grow up and stop to believe in the Christmas Man, okay? Apples do not even grow in Africa, in Africas hot areas. Apples love to grow in the cold. Allegedly the whole story of Adam and Eve happened somewhere in hot Africa but not in cold Europe nor China. 

So we can really forget about the Apple. Minimal we should forget about the literal interpretation of the apple in the Adam and Eve Story. I guess there are some literally to be taken parts either in the Bible but not the apple which Eve took from the forbidden tree. Interestingly we can track the real apple fruit back to Kasakhstan: Keep in mind that the Zionist Jewish (they say they are Jewish but are not) are from this area and not from Palestine; also keep in mind that they are building Astana in Kasakhstan. Also keep in mind that the apple got somehow vaccined by snow whites stepmother. She was put into sleep before she got married to an Aristocrat.

Of course we can see an apple also as a  shareholder for the alphabet. What might Steve Jobs have been knowing about the Apple when he created his computersystems, demises which create reality by spellings? Do you know that the Voodoo Masters of the Natives can still produce Spells? At the beginning had been the word ... which beginning? That one of God or that one of Lord God alias Satan (Saturn)?

Am I confusing you? If yes, it is fine. I want to bring you to think and to do your own researches. Shake your brains and bring things in different orders than those who never made any sense. I want to bring you to connect dots, even if you have no evidences yet. I want you to just play around with words ... all we know already is that they were playing their games in front of our eyes but we had not had the eyes to see: we did not know the codes and so we could not decode the Spells on us: Genocide-s on mankind. 

There are many ways to do that. One form is just by murder of an entire society. Another way is to kill off a lot of women or a lot of men. Meanwhile they love to use vaccines to sterilize us. They also love to fuck off the food so that our men loose their abilities to produce strong sperms. And again there is another way which is called genmanipulation. Why should that not have happened 10.000 years ago throughout beings who are not humans? We can do Genmanipulations now. Are we so arrogant to believe that only humans can reach such knowledge?

Back to our former creative thoughts. May be the Zionist Jewish did not want anybody than them own to be in the ownership of spiritual knowledge? 

Unbelievable? Why, have you never been jealeous? People can kill about jealeousy. I guess this happens even more than murder about material greed. Jealeous people feel powerless and that it is not a nice feeling. It takes some strength to overcome such feelings. And for sure our leaders are everything but not strong people. They are the most weakest ones without any honour.

So the Zionist Jews might have got pretty much angry when they got aware that Eva also knew how to produce spells? 

Whitch hunt got a very tuff need of the Catholic Church throughout Europe. It had been one of the biggest and horribles massacre on Natives, which ever took place, a Genocide over a period of about 1500 years till about 500 years ago, a Genocide on mainly female Natives of Europe who were able to do spells and healings and of course to get human babies. What kind of humans can do such things?

I am a jealeous God, you shall not follow other Gods. (Bible) Who could have been the other Gods? Our real creator-s who had had that special conversation: Let us make man in our image

In Chapter 1 of Genesis/Bible we face God, who confirmed the Earth and its beings including man to be good but in Chapter 2 of Genesis/Bible we face Lord God and from there things get really fucked off. Again a Human is made ... and we must wonder, which God is that now and which human is that now ... and from there we find Agriculture and ..... sacrifice and much more of such shit is running through the old testament and is still running and running and running on Earth.

Slavery times might have started with the Jealeous God-s- the Lord Gods. Somehow they drived the real one-s out and took the One-God in their ownership. We used to call that institution Vatican, I used to call it Vati-Clan.

But back to the topic: Why was agriculture introduced and by who? This timeperiod lasts only about 10.000 years.  It simply makes no sense, why mankind suddenly came up with agriculture and alongside with Slavery Societies. It does not make sense. We still know the Lives of Natives somewhere deep in the bushes and we never see anything like slavery among them nor agriculture. 

They do not work: they just go into nature, pick what they need and enjoy live ... till they get visitors ... like the Natives of America got visitors from Europe. But the European Natives also got already visitors who hunt them into slavery by the Inquisition, lateron the black death (a big depopulation tool by the use of Biowarfare: spreading the viruse) ... The deeply suppressed European Natives were then troubled into submission; they lost their humanity somehow ...They got civilized, put into prisons or reservations ... they did not call it that way. They called their institutions hospitals, schools, care centres and things like that. We can see the same process with the Natives in America. They got "civilized through torture, rape, murder and drugs or alcohol. They got broken just like the Europeans got broken before they break the Natives in America, Australia and Africa. Broken people can be used for everything. And this had happened. They used the broken Europeans to kill the American Natives ... and they used the broken American to kill a lots of other people on the Globe.

We will have to find the reasons what had caused the Slavery Times and Man to slaughter Man.

After they had been burning our Native Shamans or some of the real Christians (Gnostics) in Europe to death by their accusation of being whitches we lost our spirituality and inner connection with God ... and as well our abilities to smell demonic shit. 

They then did another attack on us in Europe: through Scientest, who now declared demons as not existing and that even they had been hunting our women as whitches over 1500 years. Incredible... but people were pretty broke: spiritually and by their health. They just took things how they then were given.

Within the then following 250 years of  Industrialisation they hospitalized us: they put the sick people in hospitals, the handicaps in governed care and so on ... they destroyed our communities and families and infiltrated us with State. They put us into their schools where they taught us bullshit. And it had been pretty important for them to teach us now that demons would not exist; they would have imprisoned everybody who said he was smelling such beings. They needed the Lizzards to be out of our minds. What we could not face anylonger, how we could fight it?

We will have to relearn to follow our senses and to get out of their mindcontrol. We need to get able again to smell Evil and even if they come along in human faces.

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