Please do not ask me to know it all; I don`t - neither I believe that anyone knows.
Followers of this blog might certain times be confused because they sometimes find here Interpretes of the scriptures, who take them historically or literally.
This is so because I am asking you like myself to make up your own mind, senses and conclusions; with other words: I do not need to hide any Author from you. That it is censorship. The onliest issues I usually do not bring out here, usually not generally, are things concerning China and Muslims. May be I will come to the conclusion to change that style. But in the past till now I followed that line in order of peace, love and harmony on this Globe. There are warmongers enough out there. I think we have enough to do to clean up the mess in the Western Society, criticism about China and about Islam can better be done by them people who are concerned by it. In generally I follow such line: care your own path in life then you do not need to point out on others. With other words: you and you can believe and do whatever as long as that freedom does not attack me or other beings. The same principle I follow concerning countries. May the people living in these countries handle their things by them own. Don`t you think that this world would be a nicer place if more people would stick with such principles?
This said it must furtheron be explained why I bring scholars here who are true believers in their Religions, Churches and Scriptures.
I do so because it is the best way to get a fast overview over the scriptures. I am looking for Scholars who can give such overviews, because these Scriptures and Religions obviously play a big role in everything what we are facing these days.
So again, it does not mean that I feel committed to any of these scriptures nor does it mean that I would not agree with parts of these scriptures. I myself do not feel committed to any Religion nor their Churches.
So again, it does not mean that I feel committed to any of these scriptures nor does it mean that I would not agree with parts of these scriptures. I myself do not feel committed to any Religion nor their Churches.
For me Religions as well as Churches are enemies to anything to do with the Creator, nature and the life which was meant to us, the animals and plants: the Earth and her inhabitants.
I have one Boss and I call him-her God. The onliest thing which matches with Christianity is that I was brought up in Germany, a Christian (oppressed) culture. But of course I also understand Allah or Source or Creator, it does not matter anything to me - nor do I think that it matters to the Creator how s-he get called.
For me the onliest way to face God is to go inside oneself where we can find answers to this and that. How can any Pope, a 2-leg just like me tell me he would be the translator of God to me. Can`t you people see the Evil coming out from Rome? They are owning nearly the whole Globe: how that? People are starving. Does that not come into your brain as something not so very much holy but horrible? That there are still people who follow the Churches is for me more a wonder, unfortunately a bad wonder. I cannot follow such mentality at all. For me it is a sheeple mentality but as that a big problem for all of us. It is the refusal of responsibility to rely on a translator such like the Pope.
For me the onliest way to face God is to go inside oneself where we can find answers to this and that. How can any Pope, a 2-leg just like me tell me he would be the translator of God to me. Can`t you people see the Evil coming out from Rome? They are owning nearly the whole Globe: how that? People are starving. Does that not come into your brain as something not so very much holy but horrible? That there are still people who follow the Churches is for me more a wonder, unfortunately a bad wonder. I cannot follow such mentality at all. For me it is a sheeple mentality but as that a big problem for all of us. It is the refusal of responsibility to rely on a translator such like the Pope.
Another thing occurs with the Scriptures. In fact most of the religious people do not even know the scriptures of their religion. And that is true; they simply do not know what they pretend to believe in: horrible, such habit. But some do and the way they are believing into them can bring us into a big disaster.
Both of these groups cannot help us to free ourselves from the horror which is out there. They are expecting (either the next sportevent or) their prophecies and think that God or Allah was planning them - not ... and now we come to the space where things get tricky: other humans?
Can that be? Over thousands of years ago they formed scriptures which would fullfill themselves now - in the so called Endtimes: Normal human beings? This sounds a bit unbelievable, not so? So it must have been God or Allah? Why? Why should Godallah have planned the destruction of mankind, animals and plants - the destruction of what he created? Does that make any sense to you?
If God did not plan the total destruction of its own creation - who then did so? I for certain know that God did not plan to kill the planet nor humans nor animals. So for me there are only two parties left who could do that: humans or Aliens, this includes beings who are on Earth but are neither humans nor animals ... "Aliens" hiding in or behind humans.
In the last case we must consider these beings to have much of hypnotizing abilities, but not real power. They are acting like vampires, like viruses who need others to dwell in them. A virus cannot live for its own; it needs a host. But a virus can stick on the weakness of a host. What it is the biggest weakness of humans? You name it: ignorance and arrogance. For my part I think the version of the vampires (demons, lizzards, djinns, archons) could be the true version, but if not, I am not unhappy as it will be easier to remove them from power.
I see the scriptures done in certain layers: one layer is the one for the simple minded, who will take them literally. Other layers are embedded into them but mean in fact the function of a human being, his or her inner connection with God or Allah and also disconnection. I referred here often enough to Bill Donahue, who tries to get the real science of the Bible out to you. I also referred here to Santos Bonacci who is showing you another layer hidden in the bible: the astrology or: how it is above so it is below, that means: in you. But why even scriptures? Why should we function such complicated? Did we ever see any animal reading a book, but yet they are lovely. The Natives all over the world were living nicely together ... till they got killed by the Romans, the "holy bullshit" and their manipulated mercenaries.
Anyway: if we wonna survive we must remove the Armageddon Players from power or their theatre (scripture-s) will end up with our depopulation. What really you can find out is that the scriptures of the Western Religions get played out: step by step.
If you continue to see that as the will of God, good night. The other opportunity would be to stand up and to build a better society.
There are certain idiots out there who have nothing better to do the whole day than to debunk this and that person. One of those who gets "debunked" is Jordan Maxwell. And of course he seems really to be finished with the human race. Shall I tell you something? I understand him. One after the next of my friends are falling apart into: ohhhh, my sport event ... oh, no I do not like to look into heaven and see all the chemtrails but I am helping the foreigners against Nazis. How crazy again things can get. Nevertheless I do not come to the conclusion of Maxwell that something from out there must come and help ... how to help people who do not even consider to need help?
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