What is the difference between a tribe and a nation? Is there any? Indeed, a big one. A tribe has no unnatural government, it is an organic living social-being: a family so you want to express it. Who rules the family? The child? No, of course not. How can a child rule a family, the one who cannot even help its own? Now have a look on an ordinairy Nation. A Nation has a State and the members of this State are "ruling" the Nation. These members can be very young: 24 years old -or something like that- Buero-crats are giving you the Elders formulars in which you find your rights and non-rights. They are giving you paper-shit in which it is written how to do this and that and even how to take care on a baby. A Nation is indeed the very opposite of a Tribe. In a tribe the youngsters follow the Elders. Who rules the Tribe. The council of the Elders. Things are simple as God had created them simple. A young tree is growing in the shadow of a big tree. This will give him care: not too much nor too less sun, not too much wind nor too less, not too much rain nor too less. You get it, I guess: indeed this is written in your DNA, your heart might be a better expression. Is it normal that you, if you are a young mother, has to go to work and leave your baby with somebody you never knew? No, it is neither normal nor healthy. It will break the chain between you and your baby. Why are you doing this then? You are doing this because of force. There are no Elders around you who can help you to survive for your own nor can they help you to feed your baby. Do you know where they are, those Elders? Yes, that it is right: they are somewhere in Care. Imagine this foolishness. States put the Elders in Elderly Care. Whar are they doing there with the Elders? The same thing as they are doing with your babies in the care of the State: they destroy them. They give them vaccines on a daily basic. They give them drugs till they are out of their knowledge and whisdom. They find a new word for it: dementia. You might think this would be a natural thing which just appears by getting old. You better wake up and ask yourself how it could be that in tribes the Elders had always been the leaders. Do you think they had been foolish, dement? Of course I am describing here in short words a longer process of the destruction of the Tribes and their families. These things did not happen over night. Wars "helped" a lot to displace families from their original regions and to destroy them into all directions, if they were not killed. Step by step the Industrials took over. Very few people do have access to the basics of life: water and earth. This process was called the Industrial Revolution and it might have been the worsest which ever happened to mankind. This does not mean that the Middle Ages had been better for people, not where the Churches had been ruling their dark ages and theft from the people their daily bread. It also does not mean that the time before these Middle Ages had been better, where the Pharoes had been ruling ordinairy people, enslaved them to death. There had been times before these emperors appeared. Those were the days of real tribes, our way to be, the real human way to be. We still find elements of this way to be in those tribes which we call the Indigenoues or Natives. Some could hide themselves deep in the Bushes in the Amazonas. In fact the destruction of mankind went on step by step over a long period of time, but another big attack happened by the Industrialisation: this was the starting point to kill of the rest of our familysystems. Just go back for the last 30 years and you see which Young-Fashion-Cult they were celebrating in the Medias. In the German Government we find today on the Top a woman who is not a mother and a Man who is not a father but homosexual. The exception got the model and not by accident but by long term performance and plan. These politicians do not worry what will come after them. They worry for themselves. They are not parents neither grandparents. And so they are disqualified to lead those their claim to lead: a whole society. This is that simple. In fact they do not lead humans, they lead a company which it is called State/Nation. They are leading unorganic systems. And unorganic systems are written for death. War is their natural end, no matter how much life is destroyed by that. The United Nations are those who shall remain at the End of this destruction of humanity as the One World Government over Slaves, not humans. You better think about it. Nationalism is as bad as Internationalism: these things are unnatural forces, governments which never grew out of natural familysystems. If we cannot stop the process we are going to see a storm of Nationalism against Internationalism in which Nation will be against Nation, brothers and sisters will kill one another in WWIII or alternative in plenty of wars one after the next one. After all the surviving rest will be governed by the UN. That it is their plan. They know that you prefer Nation better than Supernations and they did a lot to let you identify yourself with a flag and national hymne by the use of their Olympics and Football Games. They know how you miss to belong to somebody since they separated you from your Mama right after your birth in their hospitals. Yes darling this is how they were doing to you and me and our children, each of us got separated: they broke the chain between us and our parents on all levels. Right after birth they beat you and tell your mother this would be good for you, otherwise you were not able to breath. And you were scared to death by that very day of your birth. From that very moment you would act in fears and accept the Nation rather than the Tribe and Family. You would be impregnated with the virus that your Mama cannot defend you properly but the State. And of course they would do a lot more to discredit your Mama in your mind. And if you were a boy they would lead you against women lateron and if you were a girl they would lead you first against your Mama and then against men, who would not trust you because you are a woman. They had had so many tools to destroy humanity but they were all the same in their character:
devide and conquer and order out of chaos.
Actually they are invading Africa, our Mama, the land where the human race was born. The US, the Militairy Arm for the coming UN wants to invade 35 countries in Africa. What do you think they wonna do their? Bringing them prosperity? No they want to kill the people. They will tell us that they suddenly got bad Muslims who suddenly kill good Christians who must be defended. Or they will tell you that their Dictators, who they had been installing there before, kill the people and on and on. The lies, which these people, who profitize by these unorganic systems, can tell, are unspeakable: but not for them. They are professional lyers. Unfortunately most of humans are professional ignorants. I do not know how this virus entered into us. May be the same way: by the beats which we got by the States and their hospitals when we are born, by the fears and probably on top by the vaccines. Who really knows what they had put in these vaccines we all had to pass: Something what can close our 3. Eye properly. Who knows. Do you? What is causing your knowledge? Because they were telling you that? Your teacher said a-b-c and you then told you Mama: it is a-b-c - you Mama do not know anything. You see how easily you could be deceived? The State is telling you that your Mama is bad and you believe it because you are in governmental care about 9 years of your young age. They call that school. They want to change that now. From Age of 3 you children shall be in governmental care, indeed even earlier. You do not know that? You are spending your time in front of the TV, so you do not know much but what they want you to know: nothing. The EU is setting up a system in which they control anything. And part of that system is babycare from the age of 1 year. They produced already a law in which they forbid the call of Parents as Mamas and Papas. They say it is discrimination. They need you to call your Mama Elder and your Father Elder, but they will not have any gender anymore. Yes, that it is their plan and their plan is not foolish, their plan is to kill you and me.
The State is not your Mama, not your family. The State is your Enemy- alike which one on Earth. You better start to remember and to know this. Deep inside of your heart you know this.
The State is not your Mama, not your family. The State is your Enemy- alike which one on Earth. You better start to remember and to know this. Deep inside of your heart you know this.
Okay, now we are in these States and we realize that they are killing us with either chemicals from the sky (Chemtrails), in the water (fluorides) or in medicins and food. The other way to kill us is by bombing us, or radiating us. Did you forget already how they were radiating the Japanese people in 2011. There is another storm again in Japan and again near an Atomic Plant. Do you want to remain foolish and ignorant? Radiations are going around the Globe. Do not hope that only the Japanese will get killed. Better stop such a bad thought. It is a thought which they implanted into you while you went in school. That there would be better humans here than there, better declined by their flag. You are not better nor more worse. What do you think your fellow US Brothers are doing in Irak on them Children? Treating them fine? Teaching them democracy? Or killing them how they also do so in Afghanistan and furthermore. Soon the same US Killermachines are going to kill US humans, if they do not wake up by time. And what do you think other soldiers from other nations are allowed to do? Better things than raping, torturing and killing humans?
Finally I want to finish this essay with ideas to reestablish human society. The African people have a system which does not need any government. It is the System of the Elderlies which crisscrosses the whole organic system. Any Elder has right and duty to care for the youngsters which means to direct them what to do and what to leave. The youngsters have to obey the Elders. Elder is everybody who is elder than one year than a younger one. So, if you par example are 20 years old, you can direct a 19 years old person to carry this or that for you. This is very natural democratic because from alone you will be in the same position as those who are elder than you. This is one part of the cross. It stands for the heritage of the Elders and assures that the Elders lead and not the youngsters. The same aged people are on the other hand connected, they are building the rest of the cross which carries a society through time and space. The same agers are going together through their particulaire part of time and respond to each other as brother and sisterhood. They build groups to safe money or to plant trees of whatever. We must find back to such systems and release the politicians and those folks who have nothing to do with us than to trouble our lives.

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