We do not know how but all by a sudden the era of Aquarius which is supposed to hold on some few 26.000 years got reduced to the End of the World - on a single doomsday, which would not happen or happen - however blame everybody willing to concentrate on God as foolish idiots and by the same time would nevertheless create much of fears on what they could feeding on.
So to repeat it: we are in now - till March of 2013 we are crossing into the era of Aquarius. And we can be happy that they could not succeed WWIII ... yet. The danger is far from being over.
We are in a battle, a spiritual battle and a serious battle and if you do not wake up and turn your face to your creator you will be under the supporters of Evil or however you will call them, it does not matter: the name. In fact we are in WWIII if we understand this as a battle which uses everything to kill humans, animals and nature. This doomsday is an every day doomsday when they either bomb you, or poison you, or slaughter you directly or prepare you mentally for this to be happen for you by making you crazy.
It is not necessary to tell the humans in the regions of the Middle and further East and Africa that they are under attack. They are receiving bombs, drones and passing slaughter. But it is a shame that there are still sleepy humans in the Northamericas and Europe who do not care about it but ignore this as if not our brothers and sisters would be killed. How stupid humans can be again? How can they not realize that a human is a human no matter with which nationality or religion they got laballed, now it is the label Terrorist. You are either a Conspiracy T(h)e(rr)orist or a Suicide Bomber ready to blow children out of Earth. One false flag attack after the next appears and yet there are people too stupid to understand this as provocations to get us into destruction and war on humans, animals and nature. They love to create mass shootings in schools: it is not the first time such thing got celebrated but again and again people are believing that nonsense that all by a sudden a single youngster could able to weaponize himself proper enough to kill lots of students and teacher.
That it is the battle: ignorance and in its further step arrogance and corruption are the mindsets the Lizzards need. It does not matter wether you call the Lizzards Ufos or Satan or Lucifer. It simply does not matter but it matters wether you get clever that you must fix your heart and soul on God ... not false Gods, who are claiming human and animal and sacrifices of plants.
You still meet the doctors, who will give you poison in order to reduce your pains so that you can go on to sleep, into the stage of ignorance against all the suffernis what it is happening with you and around you on Earth? You wonna beat your heartattacks caused by poisoned food and air and water and HAARP and Mobiles and stupid working places where you work on the destruction of mankind and the animals and the nature itself .. you wonna beat this with chemicals, what you call medicin? You wonna beat your certain cancers caused by poisoned food and air and water and more by using chemicals?
How if you first treat your brain? Did God not give you such thing called brain to be used from you? So, why then you are using it as a copy machine? How many people do you know who are copying everything they read in the newspapers or hear in the Radio and TV stations? Are you one of them, have you been one of them? In your boring schooltimes it might have been an advantage to copy from your schoolcamerades ... but now you are grown up. It is not usefull any longer, in fact it had never been usefull to copy the writings of your neighbours without understanding what you are doing. It had been your refusal of responsibility. And it had been your laziness to use your brain by your own ... and probably your fears that you could find out that the teacher is not God either.
You still meet the teachers and professors as if they were Gods? You do not need to check wether they talk bullshit and deceive you into non-sense? Did God not provide you with your senses? You cannot see the differences between a blue sky and a crisscrossed dirty grew sky? You cannot taste the difference between a natural fruit and that one from Mister Frankenstein (Lizzard, Evil, Lucifer, Satan, Reptile, Alien, Clones and so fort). You still listen Techno and call this Music? Or are you still calling this your tolerance against your children who must listen to it? Are you really wondering that they get heartattacks even earlier than you or cannot hear anylonger because they got Tinnitus. How many vaccines did you cause them and the children of your neighbours who you wanted to report to the Evils: they are not taking their vaccines?
You still respect the controllers (state or church authorities) because you love to impose your will on other people? They are your real Gods and Goddesses? Think again before you refuse these ideas to check your ways. Isn`it that you get mad on your neighbours if they love another way to do their lives than what you call common. If they tell you that wearing green is the common fashion of this year you were ready to buy new clothes, even your boards had been filled up with clothes? And now it is what: what could be common next? Some Aliens whith who you resonate ... you are re-singing Sonates with Aliens from the Galactic Federation because so many people are telling you that this Federation is coming? Why is it that you always need to copy what others are telling you and why is it that you can never see the difference between brothers and others, sisters and min-isters?
Are you a robot? How are you programmed? Are you able to shoot down humans? Or do you only report them? To who? Or do you only pay for this to be done? Taxes in order to kill our brothers in the Middle East and Africa. And again taxes in order to know everything your neighbour could do different from you: controll is better than trust, isn`it? Yes, it could be: the question is what do you control and in what or who do you trust? You should control (check out) your beliefs. Are you using your Religion or Spirituality in order to impose your newest ideas on others? Are you actually ordering the rest of the world to unconditionally love even if you have no clue what love could be like? Are you always the one who has lots of advices for others and lots of cries if you are on the line with problems? Yes it could be that you get homeless like those on who you were downlooking as if it never could happen to you. You are so God-like, isn`it? So, in who do you trust? In yourself? Sorry, but I cannot follow you.
I do not trust you. I do not even trust myself. I try to check out my beliefs and to get rid of them. Beliefs are programs and cause me to get a robot. So there is not much left but knowledge. And that can be another problem, if I do not understand that knowledge has certain levels and how many I do not know. So the highest level of knowledge is: I do not know what all could be and not be and that sums to one word: GOD. Where do I find God? Inside myself, nowhere else but I am not God. I had a dream when I was a child: God is dreaming me. It was the greatest insight I ever got presented. God is dreaming me. Do you know what that means? I cannot be GOD, god thanks. Please folks, we do not need to challenge GOD with getting better than him. You got prima organs, keep them proper and do not waste them with poisoned ideas and food so that you never come into such challenge to require other human organs? How can it be that you want to have the heart of another human? Something wrong with your heart? Could be: you better check that out. You better check out if it is go(o)d to support all the Evil which I tried to describe here ... and if you are not too simple minded you might have got the message how deep the rabbit whole is going. I guess nobody is able to describe all the levels in which humans could fight GOD and think that they know things better than God. So, finally: it is a matter of logic that if you cannot be GOD another human cannot be GOD either, but a CHURCH????? Hello???? Everything okay? Wake up to who you are and more than this wake up to who you are not: God. That it is my onliest advice for you: Connect yourself with God inside of yourself: call GOD and let God lead you as you are his/her dream. There is, so I think, no other way to escape Evil.
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