Hidden Meanings
hiddenmeaning |
I am jealeous on the US people, somehow. Why? Of course not because of their many idiots who need to crash the beautiful Earth and all life on it. No I am jealeous on the existance of their many groups and Individuals who try to find things out and have meetings around them. Let us call them Study Groups. Compared with this the Germans are like the Greys: just receiving the NEWS. It feels here like there had been an order: thinking forbidden. The Country of the Thinkers does not even offer any small corners where some people gather together in order of thinking. People don`t. Do not get me wrong. It is not yet forbidden here. It rather seems that such law by the gangtsers will not even be necessary. Probably -for sure- it is only the suffernis of mine, which imagines things overseas better than here where I am. I would not like to exchange: too much of fucked off stupid police officers are troubling the US Citizens all over. Here they are still hiding a bit. Over all we still have the Internet and can participate on the thinkers whereever they live. This one is bringing you some revelations to knock on your brain: THINK. The best interpretation of Krishna and Christ and more and the Bible I ever got to listen to.
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