If you are aged under 30 years you probably cannot remember these natural clouds because you never got to experience them, depending from the area in which you were living. But those who are elder should be able to remember them; if not, they should consider or be considered to be sick of dementia. Degenerative diseases of the brain are not anymore only common under over 70 years old persons but we are running to such common diseases for even under 40 years old persons, even less. If already the increase of dememtias under the eldest persons had not been normal but the result of toxic geo- and bioengineering, the same increase of dementias under all of us is more horrible and could be a reason, why people do not realize that they are poisoned from everywhere. You might look already like a burning Christmas Tree, radiated and fully chemtrailed
unabled to recognize anything not even that you are living. Please, if there is a rest of healthy brain left in you, get concerned about the health of your brain. Check out, if you are loosing capacities and if so, do something about it: now. Unfortunately many of the elder generations had been very brave people; they did not practise "critical thought" but trusted their doctors and did whatever nonsense they were telling them to do. The same thing they allowed to happen to their children and many of them got shot into stupidity with vaccines, stupid teachings in public schools, much of TV, fast food and teeth paste. Even if I do not have that intention to increase your beliefs in the "white gods" I also do not have that intention to dismiss those Doctors, who are holding up to their ethics and stand up for health. Dr. Blaylock is one of them. He has an own website with many tips how to reverse the process of getting stupid; next you find a playlist about Chemtrails and how they do with your brain. You can find more videos about the poisoning agenda with Dr. Blaylock in you tube. Please do something to stay brain-healthy. Also do some researches about almonds and their value for your health.