I do not know all his work because it is a lot John Lash studied and worked out. I did not even read his book Not in his image but want to take the idea of the title for some thoughts and questions, which I did not generate through John Lash but my own feelings and observations.
In Germany we do find now an environment in which no animal and no plant including no human can live and enjoy its nature. The God like humans or those who do as if they were God like turnt everything into a "better" nature than it were given by Earth itself. They turnt organic nature of Earth and its way to be into unorganic, in fact dead chemistry.
Chemtrails seem to be the final orgasm of that idea we could be build in Gods Image and would therefore have the purpose to exchange here on Earth everything. In Facebook some people have already party by the idea that they would get some more DNA strains: We are God, yippie they sing. Hello .. ?
A while ago such idea used to bring humans into the psychiatry but now I guess the non-god but normals who refuse this maniac ideas seem to seek holidays in the psychiatries from the crazy humans all over.
Let us make this simple.We the human race seem to be in concurrence against nature as if we would want to overcome nature. People seize a piece of land and from then they start to exchange everything they are finding on that piece of nature. No worm may dwell in their house nor garden and that got the law of the human overlords and finally humans build even laws for the dogs when and where to place their dudu and pipi.
Let us make this simple.We the human race seem to be in concurrence against nature as if we would want to overcome nature. People seize a piece of land and from then they start to exchange everything they are finding on that piece of nature. No worm may dwell in their house nor garden and that got the law of the human overlords and finally humans build even laws for the dogs when and where to place their dudu and pipi.
In Germany you cannot even find now a normal nice stinking village where you would have to breeth the urine and kacka smell from cows. No even in the villages all the earth gets covered with cement. And people accept that, in fact they rush to the walmarts and so on: they feel disturbed by any nature. Iiiiiih, a beeh ... she could piiiiiik me. Hello? The bees give honey but people crie Iiiiiiih.
Does it really wonder you that so many people do not even realize that they get sprayed with Chemtrails. That their communications with other humans get exchanged with communications in the Internet such like Facebook and so on. They even use the mobile to anounce somebody that they are right around the corner and when they then finally meet the person they wanted to meet they sit together and do not exchange anything but the newest Ipods. Transhumanism it is where it leads. We better do not go there but to nature. So may be John Lash can give us some impacts as he is referring things to the way you got designed: do things you really like and not things you think you should like to do: the last way is insane, it brings you away from your way ... you will have to force yourself to do things which you do not like but think to like. That it is a Robot .. not you.
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