Please find Hillary Clinton`s idea who she would like to be here and in the following video the production of that idea which we of course find in the Bible, Book of Esther. It is their manual of world terror.
The story can of course be studied in the Bible
King James Version
Companion Bible condensed
And there we also find more precise dates when and where things will appear, if they keep their traditional screenplay. In Esther 9.1 we find the dates
13th of the 12 month
(of their calendar), what means the month Adar
Trying to find that out I end up around February/March. But there is a very complicated system to count things out. Probably you like to do your own trials here. A map of Esthers happenings you can find here, not such big surprizes anymore.
Can you imagine Hillary in the Harem of Mahmud Ahmadinedschad? I guess she will go ballistic by his refusal of her. He is not this guy nor this one, some people are still immune against sorcery. But she is this ... Listen properly, what she is announcing. She is going to provoke the war against Iran, if they do not obey, and then she will be in power for as long ... no comment, I cannot vomit in the PC.
When are you going to stop this bullshit?
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