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Webster Tarpley

Webster Tarpley
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Dienstag, 31. Juli 2012

Law of attraction

We got flooded during the last 2 decades with  the Law of Attraction tools. Their promoters used to promise us sheer anything we like to experience. They had given us the simple answers on a difficult question:  

How to stay happy.  

Although mankind is near to general suicide we can receive much of free letters about the newest Law of Attraction tools. But their Authors do not mention that things are serious unhappy. They do as if there is nothing to talk about: no poverty, no war, no earthquakes, no poison and so on. It simply does not exist in their free email letters which shall bring us to buy their super tools to get superman or superwoman. But imagine these things would really not exist. Would there be reason left to buy the happiness tooIs? They exist and so their tools got a big business. 

Sadly for them their prices fall together with the fall of the middle classes into depression where the workers had already been in for a longer while. Game over, people do buy now 

My statement for the meanwhile:

Some of the positive thinkers are some kind of leaders for the shepherds into the Agenda21; they are  leading us similar  to the plenty of religious ministries ideologically straight into mankind`s death by the even more than 2 decades of concentration for 

mass ignorance which hit into the Secret

Let us have a deeper look on the topic.

Does "positive thinking" work? It does to a certain level. Probably you find a job and better place to stay and so on, but you will not be placed where you should be placed by your real talents and commitment for people. 

You will not: we are facing the opposite, the best people are not on the top but the badest.

The question is, what kind of positive thinking we are talking about? Corrupting your soul and getting ready to manage the poisoning of the masses in the management of Monsanto or others of these cooperations? Or corrupting yourself by getting a member of the Army , a professional Killer? Is that positive or simple criminal and disgusting?

What do they sell us as "positive thinking"? 

Actually you can buy certain DVDs for some bugs of Dollars or Euros in which they sell you such sort of wisdom that 

Everything on which you concentrate grows.

Wow. Didn`t you know that already as a child? If you water a plant that one grows. You even knew much more: It is not always of well success to water a plant. There is a measurement for everything. You can easily cause a flood for your plant which cannot swim. There are certain other aspects as well, which form the whole composition. Is there enough sunshine, are there enough ingredients for the plant in the earth and water  or are there the certain poisons of the so called positive thinker? At the end they harvest what you had cared for so nice? It  goes further: Will you be able to eat, what you had planted or do you suddenly miss a pot to cook your fruits because they drove you out of your house. You concentrated such well on your plant while your other plants got dried out? You did not take care on them but took a credit to buy your newest red pullover in well positive thinking style that somebody will pay your debts! Who? They prefer to kill you than to let you run without paying your debts.

Yes Mam, this shit happened
while you were thinking positive 
and ignoring the masses yet under you!

So while you were expecting your newest toys under the Christmas Tree other people were cooking a war for you and your family and all neighbors. What a pity. Your "positive thinking" run into the darkness and radiation There are you now with your new red pullover which cannot even serve you well because the climate changed or even more silly: 

Red does not fit you. 

really fuck off
You should have concentrated on another color. But you wanted to have such pullover like the Beauty from the TV. But even it fits you like that Beauty, you might also feel so unhappy like that Beauty, who is only smiling because it is her job to smile as stupid as possible the whole day. 
I could go on to describe what all could bring up your sudden awakening. Let us shorten that: the red pullover does not free you nor make you happy. 

It is just a pullover and has no magic abilities.
Magic kitchen
As the business must go on they knew already that you would get such awakening and so they now offer you a new tool to buy:

Of course you will do that and throw the red pullover on the dust where it will take revanch on you one day: earlier or later. There is such much of dust on this Planet that the day will come that we die in it, not so? 
Let go measurement

And from here you get a new awakening and buy the next tool:

Probably your are now ready to get a Buddhist.

So what about such desire to live? 

Many sheeples are exactly in such stage of mind. Confused, depressive and out of a strong mind. They properly fit into the Agenda 21. No I cannot tell you if these people attracted that Agenda 21 or the Agenda 21 planners attracted them. Can you? 
You know my positive thinking is a bit different. I think that there are things which I really do not know. In fact the most things I do not know. God thanks. If I knew that Earth life could get such hard as it is now, I would probably have prayed for a later time of my birth to Earth or that I can just stay were I had been before. I always used to wonder how the human race could consider herself to be some kind of world wonder and even far above the animals. Any dog seems to be more wise than humans. They sleep when they feel sleepy and get a chance to do so. They feel happiness about any smile they get and eat what smells well and do not eat what does not smell well, even they got told in the TV: 
But unfortunately they got slaved like us. They have to wear red pullovers like their human Mamas and all kind of other bullshit. 
They actually pay me nothing to run around in this Polo Shit

But many of them even have to suffer much more by human cruelty. Their Gods are as hard, it seems, like our God-s. There Gods are humans. And positive as the humans are as a collective, they are slaughtering every day and night animals after tuff times of torture on them. The animals are passing the Middle Ages in Europe when torturing of humans was usual: as more harder as more better before the "witch" had died to hell. Only the animals do not need to admit that they are "sinners" to find some grace for a sudden escape from this planet. They do not get any sorry anyway. They are just judged as either toys or food for humans. I never heard any positive thinker even opening the mouth to say: 
Stop, no more of this!  

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Or do the Positive Thinker work under cover? May be we do not know that these people are worshiping Positive Thinking while they are speaking out against animal torture and killing, or while they are even acting accordingly, namely by refusing to torture, slaughter and eat animals. 

I usually hear people talking any kind of bullshit to legitimate their cruelty on animals. They would need the flesh to be strong by them own. So we might find some  

Asterixe and Obelixe 

who positive-think a big pig per day into their experiences. Later we call these ++thinkers sufferer of adipositas. That looks this way And they will tell you a lot why all that bad happened to them, but never that they were attracting a big pic per day into their stomach. Be sure. For some reason -in most cases their genes so they argue- they got just too fat. Be sure that they will not ask the following question: 

Why are the Vegetarians such healthy compared with the fat and often sick 
Animal Eaters? 

Please do not look for statistics, they do everything to keep you "in flesh" - just compare with your own eyes.how vegetarians look like and you see the difference. In the times after WWII most of the German people had been by force Vegetarians. They could not effort to buy flesh. They ate potatoes and beans, fruits and mushrooms and such things and they got as healthy as they never had been since the Industrial Revolution took place. As soon as they could effort to buy flesh they rushed to buy it and got sick. 

But as real thinking is not the humans hobby they went on to eat flesh till they reached out to the proportions of 2/3 flesh and 1/3 veggies in  their food. Many still do not think nor wonder. They have better ideas.

They meet on a regular basic their doctors to get treatment for all of their pains. These doctors do not advice them to try Bill No, 5? They give them painkillers instead of giving these pills as a matter of grace to the tortured animals. 

Many of us wonder-humans do not even reflect how it comes that the churches are so strange in conflict with Bill No 5. They are killer organizations all over the Globe and since they are known on this Globe. They still kill, they never did anything different. It is how they got rich. They love flesh. We never hear any Positive Thinker reflecting this either. Could it be that they simply do neither think nor feel nor act what could get called love or something in the near of that great attitude. Do they just feel empty which leads them to grab whatever they can get into their fingers and from there into their mouth?

Are they having such emptiness feelings which they need to fill with red pullovers or pink pigs through positive thinking tools? 

We are going now in some kind of finale of this cruelty all over the Globe. Who knows: some Hindus are even expecting much harder times of cruelty in which humans are going to eat their own children. Yes, this is what they expect to come, their priesthoods (so we must be critical, may be it is only their plan?) In some way all of our priests on Earth seem to think pretty much bad about the human race. And can we tell them to be liars? Imagine you could listen to all human thoughts through a microfon - I guess although of the plenty of US-EU/++thinker you would wish to escape. If you want to learn a foreign language: just learn "fuck you", "ashwhole", "I kill you" and "money" and you got the most of the words you need to continue your life as before.

A non thinking and non feeling human race is about to kill one another including the animals. Super, really super.

It is positive to act in the mind of love and that includes to say No more.

In shorter words, we must first clean a house before we put a new decoration in. We all know that in such simple issues but cannot bring them on such topics like the food production, like the way we organize and so on?

Those positive thinkers who do not mention anything of importance for all life on Earth and the need to clean things up lead people willingly or unwillingly deeper into the mess. I am sorry to say this, because there are a lot of people under them who are looking for a better way to make our lives. But we have to understand not to form new religions which only bring us in blindness, we must understand that we can use tools, many tools accordingly to what it is just needed.

So some of the teachings around Positive Thinkings can be exerzised, if they get integrated in the whole complexity of life. Of course, if we clean our houses we must plan what next shall live in there or we will get the same shit as before. So therefore we must proof the qualities of our desires. Does it make sense to wish a further pullover if there are already 30 of them? But it would probably make sense to wish further 30 pullovers and to distribute them to everybody who cannot effort sometimes even one of them. So that it is the next point to reflect on. Most people go for their changes in their lives on that individual level where they believe to have influence on and they ignore the rest, which it is effecting them horrific. They deny anything around them and practise this or that tool. This does not function but bad. They do not pray for clean water supply as it is a collective affair, so out of their responsibility - they leave that with the Elite. But this is what must change now not later. We must act for free access to clean water, for clean air for clean food. We can repeat and repeat again or visualize ourself breathing clean air. It will not happen if we do not go for this collective. and  in ourself. There is clean air available but the dark forces are destroying them. Some of these dark forces are pretty much in our comfort zone where we feel not responsible for anything.

So we need to visualize ourselves in power of all of our human affairs. 

This guy is not a priest although it looks so, he lifts some questions to a deeper level.

Montag, 30. Juli 2012

Who are we ...

shall I tell you? I do not know. This seems to me the most honest answer. If you cross through all the "Secrets revealed" which appeared during the last years, you might agree in this conclusion. 

We do not know but want to know.  

But many of us gave it meanwhile somehow up to ask that question because the given answers are simply unbelievable. But these fucking gangsters refuse to tell us the truth and continue to ask our faith on their stories. But we are getting out of patience.

We want to know, not to believe

Tree of Knowledge Olympic 2012
Okay, the forbidden Tree of Knowledge made things pretty difficult throughout our history. We would end up in the fucking Hell for that curiosity. They promise that all the while. 

Here the newest idea for 2016, for the few   survivors of mankinds extinction after too much of their curiosity or so.

Is that foolish? Imagine you would ask some elders around who of them would be your parents and they would tell you, that you shall not ask or will be driven out of the community. Okay, you would be quiet but deep in your mind you would wait for a chance to find the secret out, not so? And they would be prepared for that; they know that you are curious. So the Hell is ready for you ... and me of course.

They know that the story of the Bible is really challenging our intelligence, I mean that intelligence of humans, who are thinking to be somehow the onliest  higher  developed creatures on this planet. 

Let me take that look again, just like  I were a child again, when I got the story presented first. 

Eve is made out of Adam. But how this Mama, didn`t I climb out of you? Okay, you can imagine the view of Mama. What should she answer without breaking Bill No, was it 4? 

You shall not lie.
What should she answer without breaking Bill No, it is 9. She got not pretty much serious with sending me to the storytellers in the Church. My father anyway had had more experiences with making children, so he also was not serious in that matter of the storytellers in Church. That gave me 

Thank you Mama and Papa. I really enjoy my freedom of thoughts and it could probably save my life, even that one of others. Think folks, think as often as possible! Do not copy, you are not copy machines, or? This is what you should surely know as an answer on that question: Who are you?

But of course as the storytellers were insisting such often in their funny story with the bones out of Adam as basics of our creation, the story remained somehow. So God could take DNA out of Adams bones and create Eve. Now our scientist can do that too. 
What a shit. They ate too much from the Tree of Knowledge ... but they were not us or let us say, they were not under our control. We did not tell them to manipulate any plant, any animal and human. We did not do that. They did. So there are suddenly 2 questions 

Who are they? Who are we?

May be this short article brings some light to our questions. Is this also the answer on that question how it came that the Neanderthaler suddenly left this Planet? We in fact have so many questions. But the main one is: are we going to behave as humans and put these Evils out of control of this planet, who are deeply engaged in playing God and destroying the Planet, our lives, the plants, the animals, everything because they are maniac? 

Libya: the beginning of the end of humanity

Samstag, 28. Juli 2012


Oma got thrown out of the Sky direct on your heads. Is it? Yes man! Who did that to Oma? James Bond! Yes Sheep I know, if I was reporting you this in a normal class or something like that, you would look at me as if I was crazy and not you too dumped to check out what it is going on.  
You would not believe me this report like you do not believe as well, that they throw usually poison out of the sky on y-our heads. In fact they did not change too much  in this Event from Heaven: Oma is made from poison. She got so strong by that procedure that she in her age (86) can handle such Entertainment for you easily. Afterwards she looked more like him awaiting the further Akrakadabra  
The Queen's expression was businesslike as she took her place in the Royal Box - all part of the act

so that s-he can come to his food faster than you
(Ric Clay got killed) can come to your fast food-do-something-about-it Sheep 
back to her castle hidden from you and can then praise as   
Defender of the (blind) Faith 
her savior of y-our flesh.
Bon Appetite Oma
New world: Depiction of cannibalism in the Brazilian Tupinambá tribe as described by Hans Staden in 1557. But Europeans also consumed human flesh
another Kitchen in mordern days

Precautions: The CDC has posted guidance telling people what to do if the world experiences a 'zombie apocalypse' - such as in 2004 film Dawn of the Dead
Prepare they tell you because they are royal and that means they hunt us fairly, telling us first that they are going to do so - up to us to listen or not.

So, those of you, who have ears and eyes to realize, what it is going on, probably we can arrange something like this for Oma?
“Olympic Toilet Dive graffiti” (photo by Tim Callaghan)
Let us see here some of their fair hunts 
of Humans in Syria
GIF - 91.8 kb

  "al-Qaeda" All Over Syria


Back to the Demons O-Game


Just coming in a better picture like that one above; pure Death-Voodoo

Just coming in a better picture of the Death Voodoo

Freitag, 27. Juli 2012

Adam and Eva

  There is more in the story we got told, probably you like to check out this site or this one and more stories about the Tree of Life
and more
The Ankh here by the way is a symbol which somebody can carry around who has somehow right to give and take life. As far as we know the Pope carries this around.

Dienstag, 24. Juli 2012

Propaganda for US Sheeple

German translation: Ich verspreche Euch ... es reisst Euch vom Hocker.

Do not let them get away with this ... or you will suffer

German Speaker: check more here
 Why "they" need their EU Project ...in German language
Germans do not know much about the WWII, usually they got perma-flooded from their very start on Earth with the idea that they are the offspring of killers of Jewish People. This remains up to 2012 in all German Schools as teaching of history. That means that about 3,5 generations after WWII think that they are guilty somehow for their forefathers. They are like all Members of the Human Race guilty on wars. This includes active and passive support of wars. It means there are those, who personally killed over 65 Million Humans after WWII. We can call those people the most deaf people, soldiers or simply mercenaries, who attack humans in exchange for money. Most of them do not get directly forced into the Killer Armys: "Either you kill or we kill you" as this had been the case in WWII. No, greed or a big lack of phantasy how to do a living without killing humans or drug and sex addiction is in modern times the reason for those mercenaries. We could expect a lot of African and Indian poor people in these armies but we do not see that but them killed. We see US and Israel soldiers all over killing people - daily and meanwhile supported by another people picked out of the "Civilized Countries" and certain Arab Harems. Vietnam had "only" been one of these "Killer Parties" since WWII. Some people in the US even call this "serving their country". How is this? How comes that we are talking in 2012 not about the Massmurder Agenda of the US under the leadership of Israel and by payment of Germany? Yes the living Germans who never knew anything about their forefathers than what they got told in public schools, what had been nothing than "Hitler had been the most evil the world ever saw and your forefathers liked and served him"  ... In fact they do not even get taught that the whole Globe had had Killer Party time during the WWII. The well informed and all over loved and absolute objective Wikipedia as our common history book is teaching us how many people got killed, but especially Jewish, who are counted by a lost of their people by 2/3 of them. Is it harming your perception of the world, if I am asking such stupid question how comes that the US and UK only lost together during that big Killer Party WWII, by the statistics of the loved Wikipedia "not even" 1 Million people out of the total amount of minimal 62 Million people on Earth who had had all kind of nationalities, including the main looser Russia, China, Germany and Japan (still threatened with Atomic bombs now called Fukushima). Germany and Japan still remain in war with the world, did you know that? Yes man, nobody needs to make peace with Germans and Japanese. My mother never told me anything about Japanese in WWII, nor about China. Yes, they had some not so nice experiences with Russian soldiers because they raped and killed all women from my Mama`s neighbor  village. But Chinese and Japanese, so many dead? How comes? Can`t they kill so well like the US and UK soldiers that they had lost so many of their people in this Global happening of Massmurder. And we the Japanese and Germans had been those who were guilty of all of that? Oh my God, I cannot follow the counting. Especially I wonder why the US does not pay all the Vietnamese what they had lost or what about the 100000 Million of Natives of America? Why don`t they pay their guilt on them? Is that question too subtile? Or wasn`t there any guilt because it was usual to kill Natives all over the Globe but especially Natives from Africa, America, India and China. Brown, red and yellow people do not need to get mentioned such often as the Jewish. How is this? Oh, that it is not true, they get mentioned a lot but different, more like a plaque, which would spread like insects the Globe. They get mentioned again and again and again again since WWII and may be before, I do not know as I did not live those days ... They get mentioned as insects who trouble the Globe with overpopulation. It seems they shit too much although of their hunger and this cause problems on the Climate ... the story which we get presented since a while is that human breath outcome would spoil the atmosphere. Especially brown, red and yellow breath outcome is more dangerous, it seems. So the plaque must be eliminated and nobody in the fine world of US, UK and the rest of Europe worries too much if brown, red and yellow people get killed like insects. How is that all? How comes that in the US are still people thinking they should "serve their Country?" Hello? Humans are you all mad? Bloodsucking vampires who cannot do anything different than killing people who you never knew and who never did anything bad against you? How comes you stupid Germans (I can say that as I am such German) that you do not realize to get told fucking stories and pressed out like citrons to pay the permanent wars of the UK and US and Israel (which is their little Missile Station). Why don`t you start to remember yourself as thinking people. You cannot be guilty on all the past of the fucking history of mankind, which was full of Killer Parties. But you can change this. Think and stop the nonsense now. Stop to feed the Killer industry with your money. Refuse to pay further bailouts. Impeach Madame Merkel and the rest of the gangsters including all of their political parties in which they give us shows after shows why we never get better although we are working and working and working. No, not all humans are doing their living by slaughtering mankind. There are those, who really work. We do not need these mercenaries, these administrators who fill papers whith horrible laws and so on and so on; we do not need doctors who kill us because they cannot imagine to work another thing. We do not need all of such dead agenda. Think human race and especially Germans: It is your turn to make it now. Impeach all of these banksters and gangsters behind the scenes who are leading humanity into death and murder and torture. Refuse to pay them if you do not want to be guilty. By the great and brave engagement of many humans of all races and nations we are having now the chance to impeach the Cabale and their spyder network. Do not wait any longer to do something. As told here and I will repeat it until it enters into your fucking brain: turn the human race into something on which we can be proud. There are resources enough on Earth to make everybody happy but especially you got equipped with a brain and a heart which can create love, peace and wealth all over the Globe for any single human and animal (stop to torture and eat them now). Stop to believe that you cannot do anything to change the world. Yes you can, but of course not by following Obamas and Merkels and Queens. Talk to people, inform them properly. Go ahead and shut down your foolish TV-propaganda. Do that, just shut down the TV and see what happens .. suddenly your brain will refresh and you can think again and that means you can create not consume the creations of Evil beings. Do not pay debt rates without questioning how they come into such amount. Demand the Zero point set back of all debts and a new money system which counts positive. Any child knows, that if it is productive, it gets more not less. How comes you do not understand this. Why is it, that you work and work and the month is always longer than your income? This is not normal but sick like the banksters who are arranging not only child sacrificing in US, UK and Israel (taking children from all over the world) but all kind of Evil everywhere for 99 percent of humans before they lead them into the slaughterhouse of global war. You know who they are and now you should know who you are. A Human who can create. Create how you and me and the rest of real humans put these gangsters down and go into a nice future. See it, visualize it and do it, now because you will not get another chance Darling. 
For the US people here: please stop blaming the Chinese for this and that. Just stop that. You do not have any right to curse them. China never caused any violence on Earth like your Nation did so since a small time of your existence.  Your nation does not have a good but horrible history, that is is all to say about it. It is also not you who killed the Natives of America, you were not alive those days. But your Nation breeds much of mercenaries who kill now all over humans - without any reason than mentioned: greed, deaf senses and addictions of drug and sex and TV. Your secretary of I do not know how you call that is the most Evil the world ever saw, even Hitler might have felt shamed and you people have problems with Obamas birthticket. What a bullshit without consequences. You people know that the Twins got shot by the Mossad Gangsters but still you cannot connect the dots and do not do anything of value to shut down your war happenings. What do we hear from you about Gaddafi? As if this horrible nonhuman mass murder were not ongoing you remain too silent, the good ones among you. You are those living in the middle of the beast. Your nation is the Cancer Centre of humanity - not China nor Russia, nor Germany nor Japan but the US. Stop to deny this and take responsibility, we please you. You must impeach Obama and you must get the Indian style of non compliance. The World cannot bear your Nation anymore in such bloodsucker style. We cannot allow anymore that on your soil they are practicing voodoo rituals with human babies in order to mentally enslave the whole human race. If you do not want the world to defend herself against your cancer by a worldwide alliance which will by force appear if you do not change your way of life seriously and suddenly. You can be sure about it .. we do not want your soldiers everywhere ... neither in Germany, nor in any European country, nor in Africa nor anywhere on this Globe including Southamerica and the Caribbeans. We are not afraid from China, nor Russia nor Syria nor Iran. We are afraid from your Nations many people who are bloody deaf against human suffer. People who are playing Game boy Machines to kill with drones people in Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iran. These people go freely on your soil around. They are murderers. Mindless murderers, bred on your soil. Even if 911 was not an inside job, don`t you think that people had not have enough reasons to do such thing? Again: 65 Million people got killed since WWII, the main of them by your people not the Jewish, they prefer voodoo and people like you to serve them. They are so few that they cannot their evil alone. They needed your greed and arrogance to do that. And they got that. It is your people who also kill humans in Haiti, causing there earthquakes and then Cholera to get Gold out of the country. And it is your people who do not mind your own brothers and sisters in poverty ... do not tell me bullshit. You rather run into the Christian ministries where they wash the money somehow instead of giving the poor people bread. Your society is utter asocial and must heal. I am telling you this because you need to hear this. You must know that Russia must act how it acts, trying its level best that things come clean without a war against your nation. You must know that China is doing the same because otherwise there would be a blood party on Earth which will leave this Earth dead for a long while. You must know that Germany will not go along with the US on long hand. We are your countries slaves, under your occupation since WWII. Much of your wealth came out of us or Japanese, do you know this? But even we got utter mind controlled also we wake up and will do an alliance with the Greek, the Turkey and the Russians: Many of them live with us on our soil, in peace although we got willingly by the Cabale overloaded with foreigners from all over. Our nation got a mixed nation and will be boarder less one day because we want that. We are one human race; no chosen ones nor any other utter bullshit like that. We want to create beautiful things and bring out wisdom on Earth as we have a lot. Unfortunately your Nation stole the bloody bullshit from us: the advanced military equipment and their creators, certain figures like Werner von Braun. But also Einstein had been a German and Wilhelm Reich had been a German, who your Nation killed. There are many more whose technologies you excluding used to enrich yourself by killing humans all over. It is okay now. Enough is enough. We do not want your drugs nor your Holy Wood TV Shows. We want to stay in peace. Please pick up your mercenaries from German soil by free will. Any of you has a soldier in his family: not so? Why do you wait for Obama or the Beast Killery to bring them back? You really think these bloody reptiles will do so? How stupid you are? Why don`t you bring them back your own? They cannot sleep in your houses? You cannot feed them til they might get normal? Why do you still praise on your serving soldiers .. keeping the oath? Which oath is that. What did any American Soldier ever did for the US humanity? Nothing than bringing human killer trophies back and the money they got for their killings. Be honest. If then they are spoiled none of you cares for them; they are junks or drunkhards. Of course what else they should be after massmurdering, raping and torturing humans? Why is it that you people wonder that they kill themselves. What else can they do. Do you think a human can forget what he did on other humans while full of drugs and alcohol? The drugs and alcohol will be finished but not the rememberings of wicked torture and murder in the Name of the US. Horrible. Really, I do not want to think anymore about the WWII and all that horror in those days. We, the living generations after that war did another worldwar already, as mentioned we have to respond another 65 Million killed people: active and passive. So you people can do a lot now to stop that bullshit. You are still armed. They know that. No, I am not asking you to use these weapons. But it is good to have them somewhere, not so? What I am asking you is: shut down now now the TV. Talk and blame everybody who still watches  TV. Imagine the Energies who you can free if people get out of the Hypnosis Machines? Call your relatives who are in the Army. Tell them to come home. It is a big step, if they get the will. The next step will be the "how to", if they are under contracts. If there is a will there is a way, you should know that saying and follow it. There must come a huge family claim for your soldiers to be home for healing from murder. This is in first line a mental affair. Any family can do something about it just like drunkhards and their families do so. They first have to admit to be sick, then they can claim and pray for healing and go the needed steps. You can start this with or without your families, you are one of these families who can admit: yes we are sick from murder, we wish to heal. That it is by the way the same all other people can do. Not a matter for Americans excluding. We know that murder is boarderless a sickness of all humans and needs now to get healed from the inside. You people can do this on a daily basis. Start to heal. A healthy person does not need to kill another person. A healthy person loves. Next you can stay away from animal food. That is no food but torture and murder of beings. Obama did not yet issue a law that you people must consume tortured and mass murdered as well poisoned animals. So no excuse for this. He also did not yet issue that all of you people must watch daily about 4 hours TV. These simple steps can be done by anybody without being in danger about it. Do them and you will see a serious change on Earth only by these simple steps. You will see them getting mad if we people do not watch their Evil TV nor other medias any longer but simple talk to one another or the animals. Pack the TVs openly on the dust, put a paper on them: dust and poison, please take care, you will get murder sick, if you take this along. Then eat grains and peas and such things. You will see how your greed gets smaller and smaller because you feel not anymore hungry like after eating tortured and poisoned animals. India got rid of the UK by a lot of Vegetarians. Think about it. There is a simple but true saying: you are what you eat (mentally and for food!) Remember when you were a child and they pumped you up with meat and it had been nasty and you felt that and then they told you laughing that it had been the cat ... you know what I mean. This is organized animal sacrifice to change us into active and passive murderers. Even a normal dog does not like to hunt before he get not introduce to blood. Do you know that? I had had 3 dogs and all of them had been nearly vegetarians and very strong and loving dogs. They defend but never attacked anybody just to murder. They were not hungry. The male dog even refused any meat in the morning, he asked for milk soap with bread and would not have gone out otherwise. He was my defender in my African days. When I got him he was quite skinny but later on by the much of love and vegetarian food he enjoyed he got the king dog in the whole area. A Police man from Holland even wanted to bring him to Europe. I told him he can talk to the dog if he needs to join that fucking army. He did not.


Sonntag, 22. Juli 2012


Are you sick or already dead? Not yet? So we do not need to talk to each other through the channeler, you know all these freaks, who cannot communicate anymore with their fellows in life so they "connect" with the dead. This is an American wave of life, which did not reach yet properly in Europe. Unfortunately we had had here the experience: Anything what got born somehow in the US used to come over us as well. So perhaps you will find soon many people who try to channel with the dead who will then tell you:  
Come over here, it is fine here. No problem. And they will whisper into your senses: Just take some of the plenty of diseases to get here. It is easy. If you do not know how to get sick just visit a doctor, he will lead you for certain to us and some much of money, of course. But when you are dead you do not need that money again. So just follow, what the Doctor is telling you to do and soon we can meet in the Dead Man World.
This sounds sarcastic but it is not sarcastic, only the truth which it is sarcastic, indeed. Let us start in the headquarter, the WHO. Yes these people had a lot of engagement to distribute everywhere some Thimerosal through vaccines. You do not know what that is? It is mercury, one of the most hardest toxins. Can you believe that they did not know what they were doing when they implanted Mercury in teeth and vaccines and elsewhere? They knew well but you did not know.

Organic mercury compounds

"Compounds of mercury tend to be much more toxic than the element itself, and organic compounds of mercury are often extremely toxic and have been implicated in causing brain and liver damage. The most dangerous mercury compound, dimethylmercury, is so toxic that even a few microliters spilled on the skin, or even a latex glove, can cause death, as in the case of Karen Wetterhahn.[29][3"
They even have a negotiating Committee between Countries to debate the amount of mercury which will be allowed. Hello? They discuss how much they can legally kill us, or how shall we judge such Committee? Yes you better get clear now now. Long enough these gangsters killed humanity, slowly but surely between their certain war events for us. 
Get further studies here how else they poison us willingly. 

As long as they did not poison the air (Chemtrails) and water (Fluoride, also in Teeth paste) but this and that food we could try to defend ourselves a bit by choosing better food. Many did not do so, many still do not do so and many probably are not even able anymore to understand that they should do so. Dr. Schnitzer was trying since after WWII to pretend the German Society from diseases through wrong food. On his website you get English and German informations how to protect human health. Of course the government did not listen to Dr. Schnitzer but continued to destroy the people against better knowledge. 
As soon as you start to study the Death Agenda you will know: there is nothing left which these gangsters did not attack and still attack: the Water, the Air, the Food, the Soil, however they could deliver poison to us: they did not hesitate to harm and kill us. While these gangsters cause mass murder through wars in the Middle East and Afghanistan (actually, they wish much more war: Iran, Pakistan, Russia, China and to depopulate the black race from Africa)  they cause in North America and Europe mass murder through the Pharmaindustry and their distributors, the so called Doctors or Physicians. You have to understand that these guys are making their living from your sickness and slowly death. If you are healthy you are not a good customer to them as you will not come back. You should give them the same result by not even meeting them. You can heal yourself folks. Clear your mind and study the facts instead of relying on stupid beliefs: the doctor knows what he does ... Yes, he knows or should know. But you will neither see any expert nor doctor taking responsibility for your sickness nor death. You even signed them people that you accepted their doings on you. Grow up by time. It is already too late. All these gangsters destroyed already a lot on Earth. Probably with your support. Did you put poison in food which people should buy? Did you vaccine patients? Did you poison the soils with pesticides? Did you poison the lakes and any waters people must drink? Or are you one of those gangsters who are poisoning the air around the Globe with Chemtrails. There are many ways of compliance. And there are only few arguments of these people which get used again and again: 
1. My Boss told me to do this ... this is the straight Slave who cannot imagine himself doing anything in own responsibility. Such kind of person is not better than any mercenary who is killing humans on order by his chief.
2. If all people stand up, I am among them ... this kind of argue is even more ugly.
More arguments? They do not exist. Only these two arguments are used to poison and kill humans, animals and plants and the whole Earth by those who get poisoned by themselves, the human race.

The initiators do have other argues, usually that the Globe cannot bear such much of humans. They simply cannot control us all. Because they also live from our blood and harvest humans they need to control humans.

You can get here more information about the current depopulation agenda. It is not the first one but probably the biggest one they are exercising. If you and you go along with it, you will be depopulated like those who you depopulated. Be sure about it.  As far as you are a human you need clean water, air, food and peace. That it is that simple. There are people who try to excuse the human ignorance. They say that 80 percent of humans cannot handle bad news. Probably. But this is not my experience with these 80 percent. My experience with them is, that they are scared to loose their abilities to live, if they do not comply. They know things but comply. In many cases it is even more worth. They find it well to get money for their compliance, usually they use that money to feel more better than others. This mentality get fed by the different religions which tell the people that they would be the "choosen ones". There are many traditional religions but also the New Age and Eco religions which are feeding human minds with ideas to be more worthy than other humans. So we can find vegetarians who think they are morally better than other humans. This makes the vegetarian life dirty although everybody should live without killing any animal. Read Dr.Schnitzer and find many arguments. The main argument is: we were not "issued" to eat flesh.This is for tigers and so on but not for humans. What about the ECO people? You find them not saying anything about the Chemtrails. Nothing at all. Should this not wonder? It should. They are fascists to the ground of their mind by that very thought to think to be better people than others. They even believe that we are too much people on Earth. And so we find them among those who supported and even cried for the attack of Libya and Syria. But because so many people are well sleepy (probably caused due to the Chemtrails) they might not check anything than doing their all day. It is really horrible to watch people`s abilities to check things going lost. Some already move around like robots, some like zombies. And the New Agers talk to dead people. Why I describe this? You must know with what you deal. The awakening will come latest when it gets obviously that we die on poisons all over if not in wars. This is already the case and many people really wake up. It is on us to educate as many as quick as possible. The main virus is: the thought to be the choosen one. Pick that out of anything and let it go. You are not better than anybody, not the animals as well. Not you and nobody else.
As soon as you did your studies and own researches you will have to decide which path you choose. Complying with the "Chosen ones" by non talking? Complying by staying in Jobs in which you kill? Or complying by doing nothing? Everybody can do something and has to do something. Of course you can refuse, but please do not complaint then, if your children die caused by bad medicine or Chemtrails. Do not tell me such complaints. You know latest now what it is going on and are responsible for everything which goes on in future. Yes you are. Stop to hide yourself. There are many people who do on a daily basis information work or prayer or or or. You also can do that. You are not too special that you do not have to do anything. Please argue in that way with people if they want to tell you bullshit why they cannot do anything.

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