Population Control, Nazis, and the U.N!
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Samstag, 30. Juni 2012
Freitag, 29. Juni 2012
Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012
Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012
James H. Fetzer
Distinguished McKnight University
Professor Emeritus
University of Minnesota Duluth
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Anthony John Hilder |
How to make a killing
Montag, 25. Juni 2012
Israel - Truth is stronger than you
- and we have enough about such truth of a never ending list of murdering humans (they say gojims, not the choosen ones but to be betrayed, raped and killed as we are no humans to them.)
- "Most of us Baby Boomers, now age 50-65, have now witnessed 60 years of atrocities by 'poor little Israel' and these Zionist Khazar thugs but that was preceded by the colossal atrocities of killing about 50 million Russians, another 49-55 million killed in World War II, and the list goes on and on."
- Did you know about <<<this? This is the empire which got lost somehow. The Djingis Khan Killery Tribe got fought out of many countries in which they did nothing different than betraying and killing people. And they still love it, they transferred themselves into different regions. Germans did you ever wonder how comes that so many "Jewish" stay in Germany now, who actually came from Kasachstan and had not had anything to do with the extintion of Jewish in Germany? Would you, if you was attacked in Germany come back to this country? Would you? You would not. But the Jewish from Kasachstan had no bad rememberings on Germany. They are travelling under the flag of Judaism and that it is a different thing than to be of Jewish origin.
- No, I do not wish to open here up a new line of racism or nationalism. We only have to find out what it is going on. How comes that the state ISRAEL is using the Palestinensean folks as a "source" to rape, to hunt for their organs and finally to kill and take over their land? And what do they have to do with the British, or German Queen in England, probably not a German but Reptile. Who knows? These people move in many robes and under many names. These days they are Windsors and some hide in the US others elsewhere, par example in ISRAEL.
- By the way Germans: Stop that bullshit. Former suffernis does not allow anyone to now do harm them own. If you Germans want to take responsibility than apologize in Russia. Our forefathers killed much more Russeans than Jewish. What it is all this shit about. The whole Worldwar II was performed with millions of killed humans all over the Globe. Why don`t we Germans, if we were really alone responsible for that war, pay money to all sacrifices of that war? "Jewish" (let us say Zionists) have more values than other people? Sorry, but not with me. Israel is filled up with Nuclear Weapons and Bioweapons. We have to stop to pay these entities money.
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And now Ups? Sinister Sites – Astana, Khazakhstan

Sonntag, 24. Juni 2012
Belief and Vaccines
The following thoughts by Dan Schulz, DC may wake us to think things through.
>Belief is a funny thing and I do find the whole idea very interesting.
I recently had a discussion that provoked new thoughts on the
subject. A very casual conversation turned deep the moment this
(previously unknown) person said that "everything either contained
demons or God." "Everything?" I responded. "Yes, everything." As
usual, I'm actually not very interested in WHAT people believe, but I
much more interested in why they believe it -- so I quickly went to work
to get to the bottom of it, where all the juicy tidbits are found.
"Can I ask you some questions?" I said and she was most obliging in
agreeing and answering honestly. I asked if she had thought of this
idea on her own and she said she did not. I asked who told her that and
she admitted it was a preacher, from church. I asked if she had ever
seen any demons or heard them and she confessed that she had never
sensed them in any way. I asked if all churches believe this and she
supposed that they did not. I asked if mathematics contained either
demons or God and she scratched her head. No answer to that one. I
summed it all up. "So your saying that someone at a church told you
about this idea, not all churches say this but this one does, you hadn't
thought it all through yet, but you're telling others about this idea,
stating it as fact, and even saying others should be believing this,
Why? "Why did you choose to believe this?" I asked, and a few minutes later she was kind of fuzzy on the whole thing. <
My mother died because of her belief in "them" (Chemotherapy). I do not know how much of things I suffered already because of my beliefs in "them". Yeah we do not even know who exactly they are. Par example: Did Jesus ever appear in front of you and said: Hi, I am your guy, if you do not follow me you will be fucked for ever. Take that sentence serious. The guy offers sex without marriage or he is probably outing himself to be gay ... just change the name Jesus in Whoever and you get things as profane as they are. But they, whoever triggered you and me into Hypnosis in the name of Jesus. Are you, am I sure to be a thinking being? Could it even be, that certain vaccines help pretty much to fuck up our brains? Back to Dan Schulz you will find here a lot of sources about concerns and dangers of vaccines. Of course, these days we get vaccines through many ways: Chemtrails, Fluoride and on and on, but those one with the needles might be extra ordinairy as a welcome on Earth.
Samstag, 23. Juni 2012
Donnerstag, 21. Juni 2012
Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food 12/3/00
The patenting of genetically engineered foods and widespread biotech food production threatens to eliminate farming as it has been practiced for 12,000 years.
Ronnie Cummins
Little Marais, Minnesota
Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food 12/3/00
Ronnie Cummins
Little Marais, Minnesota
Hazards of Genetically Engineered Food 12/3/00
Dienstag, 19. Juni 2012
Montag, 18. Juni 2012
Who are you....
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Sonntag, 17. Juni 2012
Transhumanism, do you need that?
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Check his data out |
There are for sure more complicated explanations for transhumanism than the simple one: The end of humanity, the use of the human body and brain for a different specie. We get and shall get harvested. Is that clear, really clear? Think about it. Do humans, even the worthiest need to transform humans?
The first survival tool of a human should be his/her ability to figure things out:
Who is onto me?
Answer: friend or enemy. Woman or man.
How many are "they", this question gives us an estimation of the strength of the friends or enemies.
Where are they, should be the next question so that we can visit, avoid or attack them.
For who do they work should then be asked because they might have masters. The real enemy loves to hide himself behind his mercenaries.
What it is their goal for their contact with me/us, what do they want to do, give or take (from) me and
How and when and where do they operate their ideas on me.
So simple are the tools, which we describe combined as thinking; you might even knock me because I remind you on that simplicity.
Do I think that you are stupid? No, not yet. In fact I do not know you. But I experienced a lot of people who do not use these simple questions, chronicle not. The most intelligent answer you can get from these human looking beings on those questions is:
I do not know, I did not go to figure things out. Such answer gives you a glimpse of hope, that you could talk to a real human being. If you cannot get such an answer in case of none investigations in which ever affair, you should consider to talk with a non-human who is using the human body and brain or a human who is not using his brain. We are in the times when we must learn to differentiate the types of (non-)humans. There are those non-humans, who are in fact humans but forgot that, willingly. These people have 2 goals: sex and money and no other values. They are basically hunter. They are the human mass for all kind of mercenary services: buerocrats, politicians, police officers, soldier - short: the state worker. They have only one answer on why: I am only doing what I get told. The perfect slaves but nevertheless not to be trusted (neither from the side of their slaveholder nor the side of a human) and from time to time to be exchanged. Did you realize that "they" changed a lot of them out? No? Are you paying attention on the questions above? Sure? No, otherwise you would have noticed that they exchanged the state workers, of course not all at once, little by little that you shall not realize things. The enemy is not stupid. They are using the tools to think.
Next to the state workers we have the mass receivers. They are connected with the TV and from time to time with the state workers. Then the receivers must get controlled if they are still hypnotized, well impressed by the TV Shows. If not, they send them some letters with a lot of nonsense questions, which must be answered and of course bills and certain punishments. These beings are also humans but out of human mind. They do not ask who is talking to them through the TV. Never. They "think" these holographic TV Show masters are real human beings and that they are talking the truth, that they are friends.
And now we come to those who we cannot classify as humans but excluding as non humans.
Samstag, 16. Juni 2012
Euro Collapse, unofficial
The following video will show you
What shall I tell you? Advice?
"ZERO" or "I do not know either".
Let me try out of my stomach wisdom, minimal to tell you what will not function.
Do not panic, get calm in case you should panic nevertheless. How? Lay or sit down, go inward and accept that feeling how it is. Do not fight that feeling; it will only get bigger by such inner fight. Panic is a function of survival, if it is not dealt by "your" snake occupied jinn or reptile. Do not believe in them? OK, no problem. Anyway you have to deal with that panic because you will not be able to do anything sense full as long as it is the Chief and not you nor your soul. It is going to ride you as if you were the horse and not the rider, you get me?! But without the horse you would not come far as well, not so? So please do not try to kill the horse. You would surely regret it later on when you find yourself moving on your own foot. Be nice with your horse! That means: understand the panic as something which is showing you, that things are serious and that you have to act. Either you have to leave your current path or to change the art of your movement or both in order of your security and well being. That it is not bad at all. It would only be bad, if you allow that feeling to get the rider.That is what the snake possessed Reptiles need, so that they can offer the snakes your fear energy, the harvest for them. Some of the Reptiles do not like that but scare the snakes. They are acting like deeply horrified and fearing humans who are giving the pressure they themselves get forward to others. No need to demonize the Reptiles more than reasonable. Muslims are telling the very truth about that issue. They call the Reptiles Jinns. And they describe them as bad (Satan followers) and good (Allah followers). And in fact I can confirm that as true, because I experienced both of them. The second one served me deeply and well as if he was my horse probably even my angel. The first one
led me nearly to death. Probably you saw the Movie AVATAR. If not, do it. Of course they are using the wrong color: blue for the good beings what it is in fact the satanic color for their and their human co-operations. It should have been green (unfortunately green is also misused by the Eco fascist). The good ones are green/yellow. The bad ones are blue-black and sometimes fire red structured like Salamanders. In fact they can change their color like chameleons. So do not take things for certain. The Devil plays in all variations his game on you. And if you refuse to feel and interpret your feelings by your own and use other people advice as a manual to do your live: OK, what is going to help you, if these people disappear, are not available, when you need them to tell you what to do? So, turn on your own generator; it is there in you. Nobody came here without such generator. Of course you can learn from people but only if you do not form yourself in a non-thinking and non-feeling copy machine. So please only take my information as report how I experienced things. In the Movie Avatar you will see how the "hero" has to learn to ride the dragon. It is that way how the good beings win the battle. So your panic is not bad but your personal good reptile (dragon) with who together you can get out of the mess. But you must transform the panic into movement for the good under your leadership. In the Avatar movie you can even see how they can deal with holographic impressions. 911 was played out in that way on all TV stations and let you believe that planes could crash the Twins. It is the same technology they will use to scare us to death by their faked Alien Armageddon around the Globe. And many people are going to believe into that show like many people believed into the shit of 911 and all the rest of war propaganda. So you must know, that humans can get easily impressed by horror pictures, you too, of course: me as well. But if we know this and deal with this we can observe and catch ourselves more easily; we can realize that we are in the mood of (overwhelming) impressions. That is not the reality. But it is our mistake to think that our overwhelming impressions would be the reality.
So now we get nearer to the point that they will tell us that the EURO disappeared, collapsed. Huihihi ... madness will and shall go around. That it is the real problem as money is just nothing, had always been nothing and will always be nothing what could warm us, feed us, house us. But we believed money could do all these wonders. No, I do not think that they plan the big and global total chaos, only enough chaos which shall be constantly given to let us accept Computer Money and with that newest currency the Chips in our brain. Hallelujah. Do not believe me? That is good, you shall only believe in your creator and yourself. No belief system at all even they (the Religions and Philosophies) offer here and there great insights which we can use, why not? Do we refuse to write because this technology was given to us and not self developed? I am used to cross around religions and philosophies since a long time, nearly all my life because my parents did not fall too much into the dogmatism of Religions but let us children think, what we wanted to think. So I got used to pick up good ideas out of everything on that Market. I move between Pagan, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and so fort and pick out of them what it is useful for my well being and does not harm another being. I am Vegetarian by the way. Further on I have only one Chief, that is God or Allah or No-name; the source which brought me in existence. And I refuse to fix myself on belief systems: none of them. It sounds somehow crazy to me that the one God should have made different religions and rules for the people on Earth and probably even forgot to write a scripture for the animals. May be this is the reason why the animals follow God-Allah-Mannitou. Animals do not murder and create Genocides. Something pretty much holy with them and none of them ever followed any scripture of one of the plenty Religions humanity got already offered to believe in for certain or would get threatened with death, more tax or torture. So somehow I got saved by my parents from believing in scriptures like a slave and even my teachers had been influenced by the first white people, who will do finally the freedom ride for their folks: the Hippies, the folks with the long hairs who love to hang out at the beaches and to make love not war; those who got recognized by the Hopis as the real white man leaders, let us call them shamans like this is usual in the other races of mankind. So how are we doing when the EURO collapses. We should make a party and share what we have to share: everything. As more people will do this as more easily we will win the battle against the snakes. They will starve themselves to their hell because they do not get our fear-energies. That it is the reason why we do not fight the system like a conventional war but with non compliance. We can even have our fun by turning the Matrix of Materialism against itself. As we cannot see money we do as if it never existed. They told us that Jesus had said: you shall be like the children or the birds. Do they follow money? Do they work in order to get food? No, there is a different way: intention and imagination.

So now we get nearer to the point that they will tell us that the EURO disappeared, collapsed. Huihihi ... madness will and shall go around. That it is the real problem as money is just nothing, had always been nothing and will always be nothing what could warm us, feed us, house us. But we believed money could do all these wonders. No, I do not think that they plan the big and global total chaos, only enough chaos which shall be constantly given to let us accept Computer Money and with that newest currency the Chips in our brain. Hallelujah. Do not believe me? That is good, you shall only believe in your creator and yourself. No belief system at all even they (the Religions and Philosophies) offer here and there great insights which we can use, why not? Do we refuse to write because this technology was given to us and not self developed? I am used to cross around religions and philosophies since a long time, nearly all my life because my parents did not fall too much into the dogmatism of Religions but let us children think, what we wanted to think. So I got used to pick up good ideas out of everything on that Market. I move between Pagan, Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and so fort and pick out of them what it is useful for my well being and does not harm another being. I am Vegetarian by the way. Further on I have only one Chief, that is God or Allah or No-name; the source which brought me in existence. And I refuse to fix myself on belief systems: none of them. It sounds somehow crazy to me that the one God should have made different religions and rules for the people on Earth and probably even forgot to write a scripture for the animals. May be this is the reason why the animals follow God-Allah-Mannitou. Animals do not murder and create Genocides. Something pretty much holy with them and none of them ever followed any scripture of one of the plenty Religions humanity got already offered to believe in for certain or would get threatened with death, more tax or torture. So somehow I got saved by my parents from believing in scriptures like a slave and even my teachers had been influenced by the first white people, who will do finally the freedom ride for their folks: the Hippies, the folks with the long hairs who love to hang out at the beaches and to make love not war; those who got recognized by the Hopis as the real white man leaders, let us call them shamans like this is usual in the other races of mankind. So how are we doing when the EURO collapses. We should make a party and share what we have to share: everything. As more people will do this as more easily we will win the battle against the snakes. They will starve themselves to their hell because they do not get our fear-energies. That it is the reason why we do not fight the system like a conventional war but with non compliance. We can even have our fun by turning the Matrix of Materialism against itself. As we cannot see money we do as if it never existed. They told us that Jesus had said: you shall be like the children or the birds. Do they follow money? Do they work in order to get food? No, there is a different way: intention and imagination.
Donnerstag, 14. Juni 2012
Survival Training
and here some insights: Bilderberger
If you wonna hide something it is the best to go public with it
Mittwoch, 13. Juni 2012
Montag, 11. Juni 2012
Sonntag, 10. Juni 2012
Olympics for the Aliens?
Alien Invasion Agenda Kicks In Olympic 2012
Hopefully it is just phantasy but we know already that we shall now consider their existence. Yes the Pope said so and the scientist said so and so there must come the "evidence".
Get more about it by Zen Gardner
Get more about it by Zen Gardner
Please do not believe that show -whenever it appears in the sky; there are Aliens in the universe but not those which are going to run this show with all kind of tricks, like the one they used for 9/11(aeroplane by the use of holograms). Those "Aliens" are already here on Earth and since a long time they are our Masters...
and they want to come
on the surface.
Zombie Apocalypse
Do we really have to wonder about the recently reported incidents of Zombie like attacks in the US, hu-men attacking people for their flesh and organs? Should this not to be the expected result of daily bombardement with chemicals in everything: water (fluorides delivered by the states), sky (everything worse delivered by Chemtrails), food (pesticides and more delivered by Monsanto and Friends), pharmaceuticals (la meme chose) and on and on and even taken by free will of the people. No it is not all by force. We are in the show especially with fast food. So comfortable .... Some bombs for the poors far away ... hahaha, let us make some money out of that ruling business on Earth.
But in the times of the Death Agenda 21 created by the Illuminati (and probably their Masters, Reptileans Snakes and other demons) we must not wonder too much, if they created a Zombie Drug which they tested first in Africa and then induce-d them into science and military mercenaries and NWO-Police-Officers and such guys of lowtonone ethics again, which we face now globally in their entities of dis-order. Let us get some impressions by history here. By the way Zombies are also known created by Voodoo (please do not accuse black people about Voodoo, it is a common "fun" by the Vaticlan and throughout history in all races).
But in the times of the Death Agenda 21 created by the Illuminati (and probably their Masters, Reptileans Snakes and other demons) we must not wonder too much, if they created a Zombie Drug which they tested first in Africa and then induce-d them into science and military mercenaries and NWO-Police-Officers and such guys of lowtonone ethics again, which we face now globally in their entities of dis-order. Let us get some impressions by history here. By the way Zombies are also known created by Voodoo (please do not accuse black people about Voodoo, it is a common "fun" by the Vaticlan and throughout history in all races).
Samstag, 9. Juni 2012
Death Agenda 21 - The Great Culling in
We are facing the biggest challenge one can consider. It is not a joke but practice that they "call us in" what? Death. Yes they really call their project "the great calling in". All over the globe they find humans and probably also non-humans and clones to implement the big cadaver show they wish to face. They use poison and war for that show. They poison the waters, they poison the air, they poison the foods. They left nothing out to reach us. Drugs all over, even when ours are just born they first experience not only beats but also vaccines, up to 25 within only the first 2 years of their innocent lives in the US. The next generations of parents will be forced to allow that to be done on their babies. They do not think that parents are considered to be the one to care the baby. They consider you as a sheep and you and your babies as their property who are to be slaughtered. In fact the Agenda 21 is the creation of Planet Earth as a big slaughterhouse.
In Modern Scout, my former Blog, I posted as much as I could to transfer the knowledge of the big picture. Depopulation by the 80/90% of humans alongside the animals who will also be killed or die already by the masses in the air and the oceans. My former blog reached about 27.000 visitors, so I do not know how many of them used to come again: let it be a third of all visitors which came again and again, so that the blog reached approximately 20.000 people within 2 years. Not bad at all. But did I really reached what have been needed? Did people start to empower themselves to change that Agenda? I do not know this and can only speculate about it. Probably all these 20000 persons told minimal another person what they read here and elsewhere. So it comes to 40000 persons, and among them there were probably another people again who spread the words. But the same times there were about 100.000 people killed in Libya as an initiation of "the great calling in". They slaughtered those people in manners we must call alien to mankind. But the way how mankind is slaughtering animals is also alien to mankind but yet people are eating these horrible tortured fellows. We reached now the point that they boil not only cancers to death but also humans. Yes this happened in Libya aside a lot of other cruel slaughterings especially of leaders, black people and Tuaregs. All this was brought in by the name of democracy. And they continue the move: they went over to Syria where they attack everybody they can catch to make the big TV Propaganda Show out of it: Look they are killing even Children; isn`t that bad? Let us go and overthrow that bad government .... And people in the West still believe thus kind of lies, called false flag operations. This is the biggest challenge of all. Like lobotomized they still believe, that Afghaneans came out of their mountain caves and nuked the Twins. Others are still busy to convince themselves, that it had been a false flag operation by the use of US Sacrifices and not like usually Arabs, Indeans or Africans. They are busy to get able to see the American Dream as a dream, gone and changed into a nightmare. Europeans are not yet at that point, or? Our greek fellows and most ancestors of Europe are fucked into the ground next to Spain. About 2800 people went for suicide in Greece in the last year. Indean people might feel astonished, that I even mention this "little" amount of selfkillers. They are used to suicides by their farmers, who got overthrown by Monsanto. They are "used" to starving women and children. But US and EU? Children of the Frees are living in the undergrounds, homeless and eating rats. Yes, they couldn`t make it, so to speak. They challenged the US Doctrin, that everybody there can make it. Yes we can is all what it is left from that dream and who is hiding himself in the second floor in the house of darkness, otherwise also called the White House, where he plays with his playstation: Drones ... you never know where they come from. Usually they land and kill in Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bahrain .. but just wait until the US Toy Man send them to China or Iran or Russia. Ah, that could give him some troubles. His masters are outraged that Putin could master the democracy show they usually play out in the West nowadays as International Community, other description for the NWO Mastercommunity. Yes Putin showed us that he can also play these games: Hollywood in Russean style. Brilliant. Putin conquered their bullshit. Democracy, what a big word for the much bigger shit behind it. This globe is a nightmare. No, not by its nature. God is for sure not responsible for this shit. Everything was pretty well created. The Sky, the Oceans, the Land and the fruits and the lovely animals and ... the Challenge: humans. Sometimes I cannot get it. My fellows are moving under the sky and do not even catch, that there is something wrong and that they do not breath air but Chemtrails. When they start to feel sick they run to the next Drug Dealer (doctor) and take some tablets to overcome the pain. The doctor said ... Ok then: When the doctor tells you to kill yourself you also follow? Answer: Of course not. But I need my tablet against my pains.
This is the real challenge we are going through. Lobotomized humans, who are following everything, their slave masters are telling them, what would be good for them. If they tell them: Fly some Chemtrails around the Globe. Eieieieie Sir, I will do so. If they tell them: poison the food, poison the water ... same reaction: Eieieieiei Sir, I will do so.
How many of these Eieieiei Sirs are around? 10 or 20 % of mankind? Even more? It feels to me like much much more. Can you imagine: human beings who are permanently agreeing in their own destruction and now even in the big Calling in Agenda 21. I am telling you: I know this not any different since I am on this planet. Sometimes I think, I lost my move somehow. I wanted to be born on another planet, beautiful like Earth and all her plants and animals but ... you know, what I mean. When I was small most of the girls had pleasure to hurt one another with bad words and bad games what we call today mobbing. No animals are playing such games. What kind of disease is that? I grew allthough of them and met some better people until they also forget about peace, love and harmony and thinking: Some of them listen now to the German Greens (unfortunately Gathafis also use green): Gaddafi is raping women and Assad is killing children. Yes, the same people, who opposed in their young years the war against the Vietnamese, do not even open their mouth against the wars: Afghanistan, Jugoslavia, Pakistan, Irak, Libya ... Syria. Some might support the propaganda actively: they turned into killer. What it is that? What kind of humans are that? Is it that they all drank too much poisoned water, what turned them into such weakett monsters, who have no problems with the masskillings in Libya. Some might not even know anything about these wars. Fukushima ... They forget it already, yes - is true. Many forget that already because their TVs are not talking about this. What is on with mankind? This is my question and my challenge. If we all to die, not nice but please God: my next incarnation put me on another planet where we people are able to see in one another people; where we people are able to see in other beings feeling beings.
Forwarded text in Facebook by Will Davis
Many think that the spirit realm is above or beyond them. It is not. That world exits right along beside you. It is intermingled with this world. Intellectualizing and science make no difference. Disagreeing will make no difference. This Grandmother Earth is moving and changing. It does not matter what you think. The Creator of all things is in control. Having no belief will offer you maybe a temporary and very transient sense of security. The people who are in this physical realm have a short time to get it together. To come to a place of understanding the real meaning of “All my relations” and to really see that everything that exists is your relative. Everyone, all people have been given time after time, the opportunity to come together in a cooperative spirit and each time you have not. The Creator of all things has now decided to take matters over. His patience and the Grandmother Earths' patience have worn very thin. Your belief or disbelief no longer matter. What you think about me or this message matters even less. Things are going to be as they are going to be. Your becoming cooperative is all you have now. It is all that will perhaps bring things back into balance. The conflicts, both globally and inter-personally will be over soon because those who monger these things will be given a way to exit this world, if they choose not to change. The Creator of all things no longer sees your disbelief as humorous, He sees/feels sadness. He cannot break His own laws and the first law was freedom of choice. He did not create religion; man did in his attempt to contain the Creator of all things within a singularity. Your religions are dying because they do not feed the People, nor lift them up, they only take. The Creator of all things only asks that people walk in a spiritual way and stay in contact. Those that choose to see any aspect of His creation as wrong or bad is putting wounds on His heart. He created nothing that is not supposed to be. And everything without exception is his creation. He did not create evil/devil, man did and that put the biggest wound on His heart. Man was trying to escape responsibility; something/one to blame for his own short comings. Periodically the Creator of all things gave examples through people He had chosen, of how things might be done and man straight away destroyed them. He still destroys them. Take only 30 minutes out of your life and allow yourself to feel love for all of creation including humanity and suspend all judgment, anger, dislike, hatred and lack of understanding, and just see how that feels. If you don't like it then go back to the way you were. It is not enough to write words. It is not enough to talk in an empty way. It is not enough to just offer prayers to entities you are not sure of. The Earth is in pain and suffers. She has been raped, abused, enslaved, and stripped of her lifeblood. You are the inheritors of the last seven generations of abuse. Will you be the progenitor of the next seven generations? It is now time to do something more. It is now time to speak directly to your leaders and decision makers because they are the biggest perpetrators of this abuse to your Grandmother; to you. Many warnings have been given and not only has the messenger been killed (ignored) but the warning has been killed (ignored). Your need and addiction for and to convenience has killed you. Your great factories, and automobiles, trains, planes and boats belching out breath that is poison WILL cause the beginning of your death. Your religions will serve you nothing. They too, have contributed to your departure from the Creator of all things and your death. Do not ask anyone or thing outside of yourself what could or should be done. You will find that answer within yourself and do so soon because even the soul is in the process of dying.--Will Davis
Freitag, 8. Juni 2012
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